559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

The gifts of giving with love to others with return to you a hundred fold. Thank you for a new level of life. Terry Murphy, Real Estate Speaker


After Thanksgiving Thoughts November 24th, 2007 | Posted in General Real Estate

Well it is the Saturday after the big meal.  Many thanks given for the health of my family and my ability to make money in real estate, whether speaking or investing.  However, the mentoring is not going as well as I would like.  I like to help people and my clients are sitting around doing many of the same things waiting for a turn around.  Will it turn around in spring, 5 years from now or a general denial that the business cycle in real estate has taken a general bump.  Waiting for the macro enconomic view to swith for the positive is idiocy.  Who cares?  When the stock market changes, you change your strategies.  Listien up agents ……… change your thinking now.  Plan your 08 business plan to assume that a tough market may last to 2011.  Increase your listing lead generation, only take listings that have motivated and realistic sellers and understand that if something does not sell, it is overpriced, period.  On the buyers, only work the ones that commit to you, have a downpayment, a decent credit rating and enough motivation to see ten properties and pick one.  Stop buying stuff that does not have a proven ability to produce leads with the above qualities and get your assistants away from administration and take their attention to lead generation.  All the above will work well in tough markets and unbelievably well in good markets, so you can not loose.  However, doing what you did in 06 and hoping the market will adjust to rewarding an agent that is just an order taker will destroy some lives. 

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