559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

I have been using "If I Could Start All Over Again" and have spoken with (so far) seven area top producers - wow!!! Everyone should do this! Daniel H. Peaslee, Century 21


A Mixed Up Seller November 3rd, 2011 | Posted in Other Interests

Have a mixed up seller?  Maybe this exchange will help you in dealing with your challenge, too.


Hi, Walter.  Any suggestions as to how I respond to this e-mail?

Hello, Alex;

Three times in the last year and a half (after each of my 6 month listings have expired) you have mailed me post cards requesting to list my house.  Each explains your success in selling homes in this market, your goals to get the property sold, the best dollar for me  and least amount of marketing time.

Since my home has been on the ‘shared commission’ multiple listing for a year and a half, in all seriousness I would like to ask you one question; why have you not sold it already?  I might be interested in using your services for the next six months and I am serious – but I need to know why you haven’t shown it or sold it, as this is extremely important for me if I were to choose you currently to list my home.

Please inform me of your explanation and interest in listing my home and what you could do differently, and I mean differently – as in actually going out and out of your way (like knocking on doors) to find a buyer.

Hope to hear from you soon.

(Name Withheld)







C’mon, you were trained by the best and you should know how to counter that argument!  If you’re still having trouble, here’s my best suggestion:

Hello, (Name).  I am the top guy around here because I spend more money, time, and resources on my client’s properties than any other agent.  However, it would be for naught unless I spend much time determining your needs then customizing a plan to achieve your needs and goals.

Now to your question of selling the home — I cannot perform unless you are involved.  I need to know more about your home, your goals, and whether you are educated about this market.  I also need to know your timetable, your equity position, and the positions of any other decision makers.  It is best that we meet in person.  Also important is that my sellers have opened their homes and lives to me.  My sellers have agreed to pay me if my team of over 1700 real estate agents are successful.  Unfortunately at this time, only your agent has agreed to split their commission if I take one of my buyers who are seeing my seller’s homes and I direct them to see your home.  This means that your property has to be farther down on the list and does not benefit from any of my marketing directly to other agents or to the buyers of the world.

We need to talk and get you on a plan that has worked over and over again since this market became challenging.  Please let me know if Thursday at 6PM will be good for us to meet.


An oil and gas lease lottery millionaire by age 16, Walter S. Sanford was in massive debt by the time he was 22.  Taking his winnings, he invested in over 400 units and found that high leverage real estate can be detrimental to your financial health.

Obtaining his real estate brokerage license during the 80s, Walter went on to become what some believe to be one of the top agents in North America.  He built his career on systems that are in demand by virtually ever major franchise and top producing agent in the world.  1995 was Walter’s best year, in the midst of a real estate depression in Southern California, where he personally closed 316 transactions.

Walter Sanford now coaches some of the top agents and travels internationally to deliver his seminars based upon systems with velocity increased by technology.  He is the author of 10 ground-breaking books and software that assist top real estate producers in not only beating the competition but also providing lasting estates for their future.  Systems are his passion.

Walter has been buying or selling real estate for the past 35 years.  It took a long time for Walter to find balance, but today, he runs a successful coaching and training business.  He enjoys life in “small town America” with his wonderful wife and two darling daughters.

Many speakers and trainers have never been involved in real estate brokerage aspects and none have ever been involved to Walter’s extent.  If you would like to know more about Walter, please visit  You’ll find more information about how to hire Walter as a speaker or coach and how to obtain his ground-breaking products for your library.  Walter can also be reached at 800.792.5837 or






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