559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

Walter, thanks for speaking in front of Exit Realty Florida last month. It was great stuff and my agents really appreciated you, your presentation, and your books and tapes. Thanks for an enlightening day! Steve Marabel, EXIT Realty All Stars


Listing Presentation Styles April 10th, 2014 | Posted in General Real Estate

How do the pros do it — take listings quickly and have high “sign-through” rates?  There are so many strange opinions, but we’re sticking to the facts.  We only want to show the procedures that lead to a fast turn-around and terms that are saleable with a happy client.

1.       In making the appointment, the only items open for discussion are the following:

A.      Why they are selling

B.       How they heard of you

C.      What do they think is the price

D.      When they want to start marketing

E.       Who else they are interviewing to sell their home

F.       Ask to be the last one interviewed

G.      Ask what is their criteria for hiring their next agent

H.      Ask that all decision makers be present

I.        Ask for an agreeable location, date, and time for the meeting

All other items (like commission and marketing procedures) should be left for the presentation.

2.       Be ready to make the presentation in one visit.  If you have to go back and figure out the price, you don’t know your market.  Take enough comps with you to determine the price.

3.       With much of your marketing having to do with online services such as,,, and — it would be smart to be able to show them that information.  Crowding around your laptop or tablet does not work well.  Having two screens, a projector, or meeting at your office where they can see the “operation” and have their own screen is the future. 

4.       The agent who wins is the agent who knows the most about the seller.  Thirty questions before a meeting is not too many.  A few of these questions are mentioned in point number one above. 

5.       Third-party endorsements are wonderful.  My coaching clients’ lenders get the answers from the questions (like the ones in point number one) emailed to them.  Then the lender emails the potential seller with an endorsement of the agent and how they participate on the “team” to achieve the client’s goals. 

6.       Send pre-list documents that are full of value and easy to complete prior to a presentation.  These documents can be on your website then obtained with a special code.  They can also be emailed or mailed, too.  These forms that ask the seller to outline what they love about their home and choosing from a list of anxiety causing situations that they want to avoid.  These documents show that you care plus you will learn even more about the seller (read point number four again). 

7.       Close with these points. (A.)  Show them how you take the features and benefits of their home to the world. (B.) Solve any anxiety they may have.  (C.) Meet their criteria for hiring an agent.  (D.) Ask to be the one to solve their goal of (core motivation for sale).

 8.       Don’t leave until they sign or tell you why they are not signing.

 9.       Have options for them. If they want to paint and clean, let them know that you can install a custom sign that promotes a showing date. Interested parties would call you to be placed on the list to see the property at the allotted time. They have to sign a marketing agreement for this to happen.

10.     Stay longer to fight for your commission, if needed.  Hint: Most likely, it is not the commission that they are worried about so how do you increase net proceeds?

11.     Know who you are competing against.  Have their stats and be the last presenter.

12.     Have solutions for their needs.  If they are going to buy, bring the IDX submission sheet.  If they are going to move, have the agent you want them to use.  If they need service vendors, have them be a phone call away.

13.     Don’t take an overpriced listing in a non-appreciating market with an under-motivated seller.  It is okay to take an overpriced listing (10% or less above market), if the client has a real motivation to move.

14.     Understand that buying before selling seldom costs your client less. 

15.     If you did not get the listing signed at the first meeting, make another appointment. Have a system where you call them once a week with something of value. Do this until they ask you to stop. If the value is good, they won’t ask you to stop, unless they weren’t really sellers in the first place.  

16.     Set up everything to maximize your chances of a double-ended transaction.

17.     If another agent comes in behind you and you find out about it at the first appointment, make another appointment before they make a final decision.

18.     If the “other decision maker” does not show, try to arrange a conference call.  If the other decision maker is not available for a call, make another appointment. 

19.     Dress to look the part.

20.     Remember, you cannot lose things you did not have. 

When you master these suggestions, you will be able to –

A.     Learn more about the seller’s needs

B.     Differentiate yourself from the competition

C.     Make a faster presentation that will be fine-tuned to achieve the seller’s goals

D.     Achieve a one-stop signature more often. 

It seems that you’ve enjoyed the “freebies” that we’ve provided recently.  Email us with the name and contact information of someone who hires speakers for real estate events in your area; should your lead turn into an event this year or the next, we will send you $1000 in the best real estate products made for top producing, mega-agents.  Be sure to include your full contact information, too so we’ll know where to send the systems when the time comes!

Walter Sanford has been designing and implementing real estate systems for 30 years.  One of the most successful REALTORS® and now wealthy from his systems, Sanford teaches his systems and strategies through his products, seminars, and personal coaching producing the best results in the industry.  Do what works, do what is proven.  Hire Walter Sanford.  Call our office at 800.792.5837, email, or chat with us online at

2 Responses to “Listing Presentation Styles”

  1. Walter – thank you for coaching, training and mentoring real estate professionals with professionalism and class. You are one respected guy and I wish for you nothing but continued success. Go get ’em tiger!

  2. Cyndi Hayward says:

    Thank you, Marti! We’re still trying to get back down your way! We appreciate your support through the years.

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