559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

"Just wanted to say thank you for doing such a splendid job of delivering the “Meat and Potatoes” instead of a bunch of fluff. The feedback from everyone was assume. Everyone said they picked up an idea or two…which is exactly what we wanted. Thanks again." Shamiram Mazejy, Coldwell Banker – Clifton


A Business Plan For A Great Agent – Part 1 May 3rd, 2019 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

This is a business plan for a 50-transaction a year agent with two assistants who have goals to double your business.

There are some assumptions that have to be made.  Assuming that you are already so busy, it is difficult to add new systems unless something else is eliminated from the schedule.  You are looking for more balance in your life.  You are starting to understand that the true path to financial independence in real estate is through smart real estate investments.

Seller Lead Generation:
Database — Work your database or sphere of influence.  Set up daily time-blocked calls each day to get through database in two times a year.  Leave three messages before moving on.  This is to be done by the agent, not the assistant.  Send four letters a year.  This is also a daily time-blocked activity; however, prep for the letters can be done by an assistant.  The “rainmaker” should add personal notes to each of the letters.  Have weekly E-mail blasts about new listings taken or small points of interest regarding market, values, etc.  This can be handled by an assistant as well.

Just Sold Cards — In the current market, we are eliminating just listed cards and increasing just sold cards.  I want the numbers to be large, and please see my more aggressive cards found in our Ask Wally archives from July 2008.

Expireds – Do better research.  Call in the morning with a voice mail message.  Step up the interest with a more aggressive letter in a marketing envelope like firecracker tube.  Make an evening call.  If you get their voice mail, send the crumpled letter solicitation letter on the next day.  Visit one expensive expired per day.  This is a time-blocked activity.  Though it would be more effective if agent did the solicitation, it can be run by an assistant.

FSBO – These are to be researched by agent’s assistant then they are to be solicited by the agent’s lender.

Out-of-State Owners in Your Area – They get four letters and four phone calls per year.

Internet – There is less emphasis on following up on buyer leads.  Please have them complete a form.  Follow-up with a call to ask them some questions.  Get them pre-approved.  Offer them the expanded service package.  Meet at your office for the first time to have them sign a buyer broker’s agreement.  If they miss any step, refer them out.

Have your site cater more to sellers. Have helps for FSBO, expireds, and a VIP section for past clients.  Also, have pre-listing documents that a seller can access, prior to a listing presentation.  Buy search words/phrases for your area.  When someone searches for a real estate agent in your area, you should come up first page by way of an organic search or paid placement on Google and Yahoo.

Buyers generated on the internet have less than a 2% conversion rate. There are better conversion rates on the activities above.  Most long term practitioners start to dislike the buyer side of the business.  Your listings will produce all the buyers you need.  When designing your personal website, make it more seller-friendly.  Have it support all of your seller lead generation systems, your listing and pre-listing activities, and your listing marketing efforts.  Please change your E-mail address to match your website.  If your current E-mail address is a,, or type account, it is not a professional, business address.  A webmaster may be more beneficial, efficient and profitable than an assistant in doing these items.

Builders — Have your top, local builders received monthly land listings from you, and offer them the long list of things that you can do for them.  This is to be time-blocked activity, and it can be run by an assistant.

Attorneys — Add them to a quarterly mail out of value-added items that we do for them.  This is also to be time-blocked, and it can be run by an assistant.

If you do not have time to complete any of these items, cut the lead generation activities to be done on the most expensive properties.  Raising your price point is the number one net income generator!

Next week in part 2 I will discuss time blocking, sellers, buyers, and office systems.

Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.

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