559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

Dear Walter, It was a pleasure meeting you during your recent event in Laguna Hills, CA. I appreciate the material your covered during the event and wanted to thank you for your generosity on gifting me the "Beating the Competition" sales system. Jose U. Jaramillo, Keller Williams


Past Testimonials


Hi Walter,

Oct. 11, I attended your full day presentation at EdCon in Seattle and purchased 9 of your products. I can’t begin to thank you for sharing your complete systems that every top realtor has to develop or purchase. Beating the Competition and Grow Your Leads have so many excellent ideas that I am in the process of implementing. Now I can see why you displayed so much energy, enthusiasm, and confidence when you spoke at EdCon. If I performed at this level, I would, too.

I really appreciate your details in the books regarding how, why, when, and to whom we should use the materials. I don’t think you left out anything! Of course, I had no idea that I could engage a lender and benefit both of us so well. This is a great idea with lots of supporting letters that I will implement. I can’t thank you enough for all that you do to share your knowledge, wisdom, and experience with the real estate community. Keep up the great work—we need your energy and expertise so we can rise from the ashes of stagnant-and-mediocre markets and from our own complacency as winners. I’m ready!

Karen Yager
Coldwell Banker First Realtors

Walter, I can’t begin to count how many things I learned from you at EdCon this year (aside from never sitting in the front row!). Again, thank you for the book.  I can’t wait to destroy the next 90 days and get my business in the place I want to be!

Amanda Compton
Distinctive Properties, Inc.

In my opinion, the guru of real estate when it comes to having and dealing with assistant(s) plus creating business off of other agents is Walter Sanford.  About the time that Walter came on the scene as a promoter-speaker, I was fortunate enough to go see him.

One of the things that I remember him saying was that he would approach agents that had decided to leave the business, and make an offer to them to obtain their client list.
If I’m not mistaken, he would have the agent that he either bought the list from or…. sign a letter that Walter would send to this client base that said (sic) “I’ve moved on and I endorse Walter.”
Have you talked to agents in your office about their connections?”

Larry Bergstrom

Thanks, Walter!  This is the perfect refresher to your remarks at our convention last year, and the perfect reminder to my agents, noting what they can truly become.

Best regards, Gary Thompson

Dear Walter,
Thank you for your recent stop in Sioux Falls to present, “Getting Ready for a Recovery” to members of The REALTOR@ Association of the Sioux Empire,Inc., (RASE). I would like to share just a few of the many great comments you received on evaluations; you were a success!

  • “Walter adjusted his material for the current market – no fluff crap.”
  • “Walter is entertaining and gives good answers to objections.  Great instructor; good real life experiences.”
  • “The material was so well presented and interesting.  It was the first class that I didn’t look at the time wondering how soon the next break would be.”
  • “Very informative and fun instructor; straight forward!”
  • “Such easy techniques – why didn’t I do them from the last seminar Walter presented!?”
  • “Walter is one of the few speakers who teaches salesmanship instead of BS.”

Walter I consider you a top end speaker. I appreciate your acknowledgement of the current economy and its affect on local real estate education progfilms and your willingness to work within our budget to bring you back to Sioux Falls for a third time in 8 years; wish it were more! You are fortunate to have Cindi Hayward working for you! Cindi is top notch at,what she does, her organization skills, consistent follow-up and prompt replies, helped make my job so much easier. Thank you!

I am pleased you were able to return to Sioux Falls and deliver another great seminar to our members. You are great to work with, have a high level of energy, and know your stuff! Thank you you for delivering a fun and time essential seminar! Be well…be safe!

Michelle K Ahrens
Director of Education / Communications
REALTOR@ Association of the Sioux Empire, lnc.

The following are testimonials that Walter received after a recent seminar with the REALTOR® Association of the Sioux Empire:

  • “Walter adjusted his material for the current market – no fluff crap.”
  • “Walter is entertaining and gives good answers to objections.  Great instructor; good real life experiences.”
  • “The material was so well presented and interesting.  It was the first class that I didn’t look at the time wondering how soon the next break would be.”
  • “Very informative and fun instructor; straight forward!”
  • “Such easy techniques – why didn’t I do them from the last seminar Walter presented!?”
  • “Walter is one of the few speakers who teaches salesmanship instead of BS.”

I felt that Walter was engaging and had very constructive ideas that are easy to implement.  I love that he spent some time focusing on us agents being happy with how much time we spend working and time we spend with family.

Sarah Kanable
HJN Team Real Estate

Thank you for giving me back my power!

Janet Carroll
Town & Country, REALTORS®

Walter Sanford is still standing strong!  Bravo!  I am fired up!  Thanks!

Kathy Allen
RE/MAX Professionals

I feel more motivated than I have in years!  I am eager to put my new program to work!

Judith Omer

Our market is tough but I’ve remained profitable using your lead generating program.  I love your systems, they work if you actually work them.

Rob Vanovermeire

Walter Sanford is by far the best speaker and trainer for today’s real estate agent. I have had  Walter come personally speak to my agents for three of the last four years. In 2008 one of my up and coming agents not only bought into Walter’s approach to becoming a mega producer, I am proud to say he was our top producing agent in 2009 out of 200 agents!

Walter is an extraordinary speaker that will keep you clinging to his every word. Allowing my agents to actually hear straight from the mouth of “North America’s Top Real Estate Agent” has paid me over ten times.

His approach is simple and no nonsense. He also provides countless tools for expireds, FSBO’s, out-of state owner’s, short-sales, R.E.O.’s and the list goes on. He teaches you great promotional techniques to put you in front of the competition. But more importantly he teaches and stresses balance in an agent’s life, the basic fundamentals that will keep you in the business for a long time without letting the business burn you out!

The first time my top team heard Walter, she hired him immediately as a coach. She consistently ranks as a top team in the nation for Century 21.

If you are looking to grow your career to the next level then Walter is a must hire.

I without question highly recommend him to anyone who is serious about real estate.

Dave Bowman
Broker-Vice President
Century 21 Mike Bowman, Inc.

I drove 500 miles round trip to see you in Daytona Beach at EXIT Realty.  Since then and just in the last week — I have sold $818,000 both sides!  Our average is $90,000.  I called my son and renamed him Walter.  Thanks, buddy.  Scott Forbes was right — you got me started!

Wayne Furlong

Walter Sanford was outstanding!  We had about 100 agents scheduled to see Walter.  After a blizzard with its inherent hysteria, we ended up with almost 80 people in attendance.

All of these people were very pleased.

We loved the webinars. They provide a neat follow-up for the agents.

We would highly recommend Walter Sanford.

Ed Kettley, Sr.
Kettley Realtors

Dear Walter,

I just wanted to drop you a letter in appreciation of the seminar that you put on for our agents here at Traders Realty. We had researched numerous real estate speakers to help us motivate and educate our agents and felt that you were the best one for our group. We were not disappointed! Your flexibility in adapting a presentation to fit with our “theme” for the year made the seminar much more meaningful and will hopefully carry on throughout the year.

The 7 follow-up Webinars have been inspiring and have allowed the agents more time with you and your systems that they could not obtain during the half day seminar.  These interactive “conversations” have made it much more personal and will most definitely increase their sales.

Thanks again and good luck the remainder of the year.

Jeff Kolbus
President, Traders Realty

This was an Email from an agent to his broker after a Walter Sanford seminar.

Hey Frank,

Just wanted you to know we had a great time today.  Today I received a phone call from a buyer who wanted me to drop everything and show her a home.  After talking to her for a while I convinced her to call one of my preferred lenders first, got her email and phone number, and Emailed her other homes as well.  That came from Walter, because I would have been more likely to just run out and show her the house.

Lots of great ideas today, some we are already do, lots we can be doing better. Thanks again and have a great night.


Dear Walter Sanford, Thank you for coming to Disney-free Daytona Beach for your seminar yesterday and thanks also for holding back the “letters-module” that I selected in favor of mailing me the new edition, soon to be hot off the press. I’m expecting to send you another big “THANK YOU” at the end of my 2010 year using your methods. Sincerely, Michael Huber Exit Realty P.S. You are a genius. Most emails get passed over for later (or never). Email with the subject “Secret Properties not Yet in the MLS” gets opened NOW!

Dear Walter, It was a pleasure meeting you during your recent event in Laguna Hills, CA. I appreciate the material your covered during the event and wanted to thank you for your generosity on gifting me the “Beating the Competition” sales system. Groff from Bank of America delivered recently and I am already implementing it in by business. Sincere thanks I look forward to attending another of your seminars in the future. Regards, Jose U. Jaramillo Keller Williams

Hey, Walter! I just wanted you to open this email personally to tell you that you are the BOMB! Thank you for making today a great day in my life. You have given me what I have been looking for: great knowledge and innovative approaches to improve the life and enjoyment of being a REALTOR® today! Keep the passion for what you do, because you have a gift! Also, thank you for taking your time after the seminar to speak with me about my personal goals regarding the timing in this market for becoming an investor. I also felt that you believed in me, and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! All that is left for me to do now is to try to hear and read more of what you have to share. Thanks for the opportunity to learn from you. Rob van Haaren RE/MAX Gold Coast

We’ve already begun implementing a few great ideas – everyone from my office in attendance was very impressed by Walter yesterday, as I had been in DC. In fact, we just ended one of our best agent meetings ever! I’m sure you receive these emails all the time so I won’t go on and on, but I do want to say – thanks so very much. Hopefully, this sums up what a powerful speaker he is and how much I know he is going to change many of my agents’ lives. Amber Exit Realty Home Team

Yesterday we had a YOLO moment! Your Once In A Lifetime Opportunity! 6 Central Florida EXiT Brokers pooled their money and invited Walter Sanford to come speak to our agents about “Beating the Competition Every Time!” What a great return on our investment! The agents are wildly motivated! Walter is a fantastic presenter. My favorite thing about him is that he isn’t “airy fairy.” He delivers the goods! We learned things we can actually apply immediately to grow our business! He makes you roar with laughter and is slightly mean…what I mean by that is, he says the things that are HARD to hear! Tony and I bought all one thousand dollars of his real estate marketing library for our agents! With Walter’s permission, we allow them to download the materials onto their CDs or thumb drives so that they may have it forever! It is actually a thousand dollar gift of marketing that we are giving each agent! We do all we can to HELP our agents succeed!!! Leigh Giannotti Exit Realty

Hey, Walter! I just wanted you to open this email personally to tell you that you are the BOMB! Thank you for making today a great day in my life. You have given me what I have been looking for: great knowledge and innovative approaches to improve the life and enjoyment of being a REALTOR® today! Keep the passion for what you do, because you have a gift! Also, thank you for taking your time after the seminar to speak with me about my personal goals regarding the timing in this market for becoming an investor. I also felt that you believed in me, and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! All that is left for me to do now is to try to hear and read more of what you have to share. Thanks for the opportunity to learn from you. Rob van Haaren RE/MAX Gold Coast

I have to tell you…You rocked our convention!  I really enjoyed your presentation and, as you know, I’ve seen you like half a dozen times…you just keep getting better!  Your presentation is dynamic and full of instructive ideas that agents can easily implement. Yes, I now have TWO complete sets of Walter’s Everything!  Great Stuff!  I called Cyndi for guidance and started sharing the materials with my agents, and NO I’m not silly enough to let my agents take the courses home. At convention my wife and I introduced you to one of my agents (Kelli) who got there AFTER you were done but she did get to meet you. So, we are really digging the Top Dog stuff — my office is really enjoying this because it’s both instructional and amazingly entertaining! Tony Viejo Exit Realty AmericanPanama City Beach, FL

Walter, in 1995 I called your office –believe you were in Lajolla near NAS Miramar? Here’s why – I was 3 years from retiring from the Navy after 27 years, I went to the library and read as many books as I could to determine what I needed to do go into the real estate business BEFORE I retired. I came across your book that had you standing next to a white Rolls (I think?) and I was so inspired about what you had written that I decided to call your office and I was told you weren’t in but you’d return the call.  I told the young man who answered at the time that to be sure he told you I wasn’t a buyer or seller but someone interested in getting a real estate office and just wanted to talk to you.  Walter, a couple minutes later, as you were heading up the PCH, you called me back on the way to a listing appointment. Well, Mr. Long Beach, things haven’t been the same since!  I just want to say to you, nearly 15 years later, many, many thanks! You gave me the confidence (just the push) I needed to get started. Today, I am a short sale junkie and building a program around the insider teachings of Lee Honish who was a #1 loss mitigator for top banks in this country.  I partnered with Jim Cannion’s new start up, Connect Realty Inc. and the opportunities are endless! Hope to have a wonderful ride for the next several years. Walter, I credit you entirely for my career as hadn’t you returned that call I may not have made the decision to go into the industry.  I had the passion but not the confidence.  Your story gave me all I needed, and your phone call was something I continue to treasure for years! Again, Walter, I am forever grateful! Beryl Gosney

Good morning My Friend, I just wanted to thank you for today’s newsletter. You characterization of some current ”Trainers” was priceless and made me smile because it is so true! Thanks for starting my day off with some humor. Hope your “Business is Booming” and you and your family are doing well. Happy Independence Day! Best, Phil Edwards I Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®

Dear Walter: I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at our Coldwell Banker Seminar in Salem, Oregon last week.  Being picked on wasn’t too bad either and I appreciate your generosity in giving me a copy of “If I Could Start Over Again.”  I have already started implementing some of your ideas. Our office purchased duplicate sets of your books and we are all very excited to see our businesses grow. We have an amazing office and I am truly blessed! Patty Brown Broker Coldwell Banker

Dear Walter: I can’t tell you how much I and my customers enjoyed your presentations in MO just a few days ago. I have received many letters and thank you notes from agents and brokers telling me how grateful they are you made the journey to see them and how motivated they were to try your ideas. Your flexibility in meeting my schedule for the four rallies was very important in getting these all done on time and your willingness to spend the “windshield time” we did helped to keep us on budget. I also appreciate that you were able to customize each presentation so that the local market was involved. It didn’t hurt that you paid several compliments to the tools and brand name Coldwell Banker brings to the table, either. It sometimes happens that an “outsider’s” opinion on the value of the Coldwell Banker franchise carries more clout than an insider’s. You are a true pleasure to bring to our clients and I know they feel the same way. I would recommend you in the strongest terms to anyone looking to hire a professional, engaging, smart speaker who has also done exactly what he teaches. I enjoyed the week we were together and would ask anyone who is contemplating hiring you to contact me for a completely biased opinion on you and your efforts! My best to you and your wonderful wife! Ray Sculfort Executive Business Consultant Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC

I attended the seminar at Boyne Mountain and I really enjoyed listening to what you had to say……I have started getting things in order so I can start doing some of your great ideas.   I would like to attend another seminar of yours. Vicki Harrington Century 21 River Country

Hi Walter, My name is Lindsay Mann with Century 21 United-Northside here in San Antonio, TX. I attended your short sale seminar class you had at our Century 21 International Convention. You might remember me because you picked on me in your class for being the newby real estate agent and then I purchased some of your material at the end of the day. Well, I wanted to thank you and tell you it was a pleasure meeting you. I received your material and started looking through the Letters 401 book you have. I had just sold a house not long after I went to your class so I decided to send out your letter talking about “Sold at 104% of asking in 3 days.”  I didn’t sell mine for quite as much and in that time frame but it still sounded good. I sold mine at 100% of asking in 17 days. I sent out 100 mailouts in the subdivision and two days later I got a call back! They guy had received my letter and wanted me to list his investment property that was there AND he had another house he wanted me to list as well. So, I got 2 listings off of one letter! I just wanted to thank you again for it probably wouldn’t have happend without you and training! Have a wonderful day!! Lindsay Mann Century 21 United-Northside

Bill Bacque’, Van Eaton and Romero Realtors Click here to view the actual letter.

Walter, It was a great talk, and I am sure everyone came away with positive information and terrific motivation.  You were funny, informative, precise, and straight-forward.  It was everything I was hoping it would be to motivate our agents.  It’s kind of funny how I can preach some of the same things but coming from such an accomplished agent and speaker, the message sinks deeper in their heads. I’m sorry we couldn’t get you injected with crawfish, shrimp, crabs and oysters before you headed back to Chicago.  Next time, bring the family and let’s do it up right. Make sure Cyndi is given a raise.  She makes this whole process go smoothly. Thanks again. Richard Tanory Director of Agent Development Van Eaton and Romero

Walter: I think we had a great meeting in Savannah.  The comments received in your presentation were all positive.  Thank you so much for what you did for us.  It was a big help to ensure a great meeting for us.  You always go the extra mile. Maurice Johnson President Realty World

Dear Walter: Thank you so much for your presentations at the Mississippi Association of REALTORS® in December.  It was good to see you again (since our Mike Ferry EARLY days!). Hope 2009 is a banner year for you.  If I can get my agents on track, in the office and lead generating, we will have a banner year! Sincerely, Sue Gallaspy Team Leader Keller Williams

Dear Walter, I attended your morning seminar today, in Langley, BC. I totally enjoyed hearing your suggestions, loved your humour, and wanted to say thank you for sharing your time with all of us today. I am sure that many of us shall become more successful due to your shared passion for our profession. Respectfully, Diane Thompson

You were just what the Doctor ordered!!  I have heard nothing but positive and rave reviews on your presentation and can see the agents taking action on what they learned already.  You packed more information in 3 hours than I think I have ever seen anyone in our industry do and I can say that in 23 years in real estate I have been to hundreds of seminars by some of the top speakers not only in our industry but the sales and motivational industry as well.  What a way to prepare our sales force for what I believe will be an awesome 2009!  Please feel free to pass my name along should anyone want feedback or a recommendation.

Again, thank you—it was great!!!

Elaine Lee
Fickling & Company
Warner Robins, GA

Hi Walter,
Sometimes a person comes into your life for a reason.  Your performance yesterday at the Keyes meeting here in Ft. Lauderdale has revitalized my career & my life. You see…..I haven’t been the same since my beloved wife died almost 3 years ago from cancer. We were married for 36 years & I wanted 36 more. My downhill spiral continued.  I lost my house to the bank, went bankrupt because of medical bills, lost my car, my health insurance & a year ago I had to merge my real estate company into Keyes. So for 30+ years, I was on top of the world. I even booked you many times for Coldwell Banker & ERA & FAR & the South Broward Board seminars. I have been struggling knowing all the right things to do but not able to do what I know I must. In trying to find out why God did what HE did in taking my wife at such a young age I have renewed my spirituality & passion for God through my Torah learning & going to Temple. So Walter when you said where you have been & what you have done & how you have had to do it over again & even again & all about your life struggles I realized I’m not alone anymore & I’m damn good at what I do. I, like you, only know real estate. So I have recommitted to making a great living & owning a home again & saving money & doing all the “F’s” since that is what is so important in life…to live & share & smile & drink strong coffee & give charity. Thank you!!!

I will always be indebted to you.

Warm Regards,

Cheryl Nolden, Three Rivers Association of Realtors

Dear Walter,

You were a tremendous success with your presentation on “How to Survive and Thrive in a Down Market” at our Three Rivers Association of Realtors meeting this week. I received nothing but positive comments from the attendees,who were thrilled to leave the meeting with concrete ideas that  they could implement to improve their business and help their clients. You energized, enlightened and entertained our members! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise.

Eileen Liles, Prudential Colorado Real Estate

Good morning Walter,
Your picture on Realty Times make you look much older than you really are!  Thank you for the kick in the pants…..just what I needed.  Received a call while I was in Colorado Springs about listing a short sale – haven’t done one yet.  You gave me good information about deciding if it is a “good” one or not and then how to get it sold.

Tara N. Rogers , RealtyTMS

Hello Walter,
I wanted to thank you again for your insight during your recent class at the Colorado Association of Realtors State Convention.  As a leader of a company dedicated to helping real estate professionals attain the highest level of success, I thought you offered great insight that any agent, in any market, can apply today and work towards greater success.

I would appreciate the opportunity to stay in touch with you.

Lisa F. van den Heuvel, Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties

Dear Mr. Sanford:

Aloha, Walter.  It was such a pleasure meeting you yesterday!  Thank you so much for your energy and for sharing your years of experience and knowledge in world of real estate. I learned so many new things, which I will definitely be using in my daily routine of my new career. Your concepts and strategies have given me the tools to succeed regardless of the market conditions! You have definitely inspired me, and I hope that if you are in town on your next visit to Hawaii I would have the honor of taking you out to lunch!  Take care and have a safe trip back home!  Thank you so much for the lovely book! It’s exactly what I wanted!

Kay DuBois, Executive Officer

Dear Mr. Sanford:

I would like to express the Board’s pleasure in your fine presentation of the two courses to our membership.

The audience was comprised of a number of seasoned REALTORS® with high expectations of a trainer.  The most frequent comment I heard after the seminar was that they appreciated the fact that you had actually sold real estate and that you were very well informed on the current market.  Additional remarks were positive as to the validity of your outlines – that your suggestions could make a difference in a REALTOR’s performance and income.  I appreciated your enthusiasm and interactive delivery.  In all, yours was a quality performance.

From my initial contact with your staff until you left for the airport, engaging your services was smooth.  Additionally, the Board’s generous sponsor was involved  from the beginning, and we were both treated with professionalism and courtesy.

| I wish you the best and hope we meet again.  Thank you for your consideration.

Michael Ford, Coldwell Banker Heritage Homes


Thank you so very much for a vibrant and interesting program at our Arkansas Coldwell Banker Sales Rally in West Memphis.  The information was wonderful and you managed to keep the agents on the edges of their seats wondering what was coming next.  Your high-energy speaking style was just what I needed!

Thank you again and I hope you will approve my recommendation of your speaking program to others within my sphere of influence.

Don Peard, RBC Royal Bank

Dear Walter:

Thanks again for facilitating our Realtor® seminars February 4 & 5, 2008 in Calgary and Edmonton.  By the positive reactions from both the attending Realtors® and our RBC Mortgage Specialists, we let far too much time pass between you and RBC working together.

Your experience and knowledge of real estate markets is something all our attendees truly valued. Your disciplined, structured and easy to implement sales routines and systems will make us all more effective and efficient sales people. Walter, I’ve had nothing but positive and favorable reviews about your presentations from the Realtors® who attended.

What I also find so valuable and interesting is how all your systems are so applicable to the mortgage and home equity home financing business that RBC is involved in. I can’t begin to tell you how many of our RBC specialists have committed to implementing your sales systems and processes.

Your seminars allowed RBC to give something back to our valued business partners in the real estate industry. We’re all sincerely appreciative of this. In closing, many thanks for your great, entertaining facilitation skills and professionalism. We definitely won’t let so much time pass before we work together again.

Doranna Owerko, Realty Executives Synergy

Dear Mr. Sanford:

Just a note to let you know how much I enjoyed your conference in Edmonton on Tuesday, February 5th, 2008. I always look forward to new ideas. It was certainly informative. Once again, thank you for the opportunity.

Rex Brandstatter , RE/MAX Affiliates

Hi…Walter was great!! I have been at this since 1974. He is a tried and true ‘veteran’.  I have been there too, but he has done a LOT more deals than me. I had a great time listening and meeting him.

Got so fired up that I did not sleep much Saturday nite, and came home, went to the office at 7am on SUNDAY and got started on some ideas.

Kim Popek, Exit Realty Advantage

The seminar was great.  Walter is very energetic and to the point – loved it!!

David Vaughn, Century 21 Realty Group, Indianapolis, IN

“….That was a really good program yesterday! It was information overload! Several points were great ~ I particularly liked the page for a seller to sign describing their “to-do” list as I call it versus what we are to do, on and on! Anyway, great job and thanks again for bringing Walter Sanford to us!”

Carla Rigsby, CENTURY 21 Realty Group. Anderson, IN

“Thank you for another great conference.  Walter Sanford was energetic and delivered some great information as well…”

Terri McGavock, Century 21 Realty Group, Avon, IN

“….Walter was so good and entertaining at the same time.  He truly knows what its like to be in the trenches.  I purchased his entire 11 piece program and can’t wait to get into it and start putting it into practice. Thank you for bringing him to us.”

Charley Reisert, CENTURY 21 Realty Group, Jeffersonville, IN

“I WON!  But just by being at the conference and hearing Walter Sanford — not by winning Powerball. Walter Sanford was great. We all learned so much and came away with so many great ideas to get our sales to where they should be. Thanks!”

Elizabeth Bartlett, Century 21 Realty Group, Bloomington, IN

“….The conference was great and I really enjoyed Walter Sanford. What a dynamic speaker and a great motivator – I could have listened to him all day. Again, thank you very much for another great conference.”

Marge Patterson, CENTURY 21 Realty Group

Dear Walter:

I just wanted to thank you again for speaking at our Annual Business Conference yesterday. I received so many great comments about your presentation and the material you brought to us. It was filled with good, common sense ideas that if implemented, will raise the production of each and every sales associate in our company. It will enable us to reach our 2008 goal of 11,000 units closed. Your message was positive, motivational but full of great ideas all at the same time. Thanks again. I am looking forward to picking up some of your classes at the International CENTURY 21 convention.

Bill Craig , Re/MAX Realty Associates

Dear Walter:

Thank you so much for leading our session on Changing Your Income in a Changing Market.  Your thoughts and enthusiasm is exactly what we needed.  Our associates came away with numerous zero cost ideas on how to increase their production, effectiveness and profitability.  Timing this seminar in December helped to energize our office through the holidays and hit the ground running in January.  Walter, anytime I can be of assistance to you, please feel free to call.

Yoko Mendelson , Re/MAX

Dear Walter:

Happy New Year! Wishing you a very healthy and successful year! Thank you very much for a great gift, “Beating the Competition Every Time.” I love it. Thank you very much for remembering me and you have kept the promise. 2007 was the best year. I had so many miracles. I became a top producer. I just shifted my mind and then my attitude was changed. I love me, myself and my job. Now I have a secret weapon. (the kit I received from you) I’m very sure 2008 will be the greatest year. Again, thank you very much.

Steve Blair, Realty Executives

Dear Walter:

Just a quick thank you note. I recently incorporated one of your recommendations. This week, I generated an “Offer to Purchase” on a prized property in San Diego. With the offer, I included both a letter describing the buyers and their wedding picture. The offer was in competition with another “Offer to Purchase” from a competing buyer.

When advised by the listing agent that our offer was accepted, he said our accepted price was lower than the other offer and that the seller would net less money. He related the difference was solely the letter and picture.

Thanks to you Walter, my buyers are thrilled to be able to purchase the property.

Michelle Ahrens, RASE

Dear Walter:

Thank you for your recent “Last Agent Standing” seminar in Sioux Falls, South Dakota; you were a success!  I would like to share some of the many great comments from our members:

“Great Instructor!”
“Phenomenal Course!”
“I would like more of this instruction.”
“I enjoyed this class very much.  He was very knowledgeable and fun!”

I am so pleased, Walter, that we were able to arrange for you to deliver this seminar to our members.  You made me, and the Career Development Committee, look wonderful.  However, it was YOU, Walter that was wonderful, and I thank you for your time and energy in delivering your fun, yet meaningful seminar to our members.

I would also like to thank your staff, in particular, Cyndi Hayward.  Cindy was wonderful to work with and I look forward to working with you both in the near future!  Be well…and be safe!

Bessie Thrasher

This was the first time I have heard Sanford and I have heard and seen them all over the years (I am a 25 year veteran) After the first day of classes I was so down Then came his first class. Theme song Rocky (I love it) and a loud boisterous man came out and woke us up and made us feel like all is not lost I can’t believe I have been buying into all the media garbage I came into the business when interest rates were 18%. What on earth was wrong with me? What a great wake up call and when my broker gets back from vacation I am going to wake up our office. Thank you!

Tom Pierce, Coldwell Banker


I just wanted to drop you a quick note, thanking you for being the featured speaker at our quarterly, company-wide sales meeting on Tuesday.  I have continued to hear positive comments regarding your discussion of “What the Top Agents are Doing in the Tougher Markets.”

Your interaction with the new agents, loan officers, and our top producers kept everyone involved and entertained.  I’m certain that everyone left with ideas on not only how they were going to increase their production, but how they were going to work smarter and more enjoyably.

It is our goal to give our agents the tools and information they need to have successful careers in real estate…thanks for contributing to that effort!

Best wishes,
Tom Pierce

David R. Barnes , Coldwell Banker


Thanks for a great meeting.  I know that your concepts, ideas and energy will take many of our agents to another level.

Thanks again,

Mike Fortin, The Platinum Group REALTORS®


Thank you for your words of wisdom and experience. I have already benefited from some of the techniques in your materials. My return on investment will be huge!  Thanks again.

Diane Rosen, Greater Rochester Association of REALTORS®, Inc.

Dear Walter,

On behalf of myself and the Greater Rochester Association of REALTORS®, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being our Keynote Speaker at the GRAR 2007 Agents Fair on September 18, 2007.  The event was a huge success.

The feedback from the attendees was overwhelmingly positive.  They especially enjoyed the energy and upbeat ideas you brought forth.

We have had this event for several years and I have to say that it was a joy to work with you and your staff, particularly Cyndi Hayward.  She answered my questions in a very timely manner and made my job so much easier than in previous years.  I would happily recommend your team to anyone interested.

Again, please accept my appreciation for your contribution to our event. If you have any questions, concerns or additional comments regarding the Agents Fair, feel free to contact me.

John Carle, ReMax Realtor


My name is John Carle. I’ve been a fan and admirer of your for more than 9 years now.

I’m not sure if you remember me or not, but last November I had the pleasure of joining you for breakfast in New Orleans (we were staying in the same hotel). At that sit-down you kind-of read my business partner, Sharon, the riot act about wasting her time with buyers. You told her to start focusing on listings, and to stop screwing around.

I’m happy to report that she took your advice to heart. Apparently that was the blockade that was keeping us from reaching the next level of our business. We now have a listing inventory of slightly more than 600 active listings (thanks mostly in part to a massive condo conversion developer). We’re experiencing the best of real estate, and loving life. Our team has expanded from Sharon and myself and 1 admin girl to include 3 “showing agents” (they open doors for buyers in our condos) and 4 admin staff. We’re looking to add 2 more admin people and another showing agent before Vegas.

I don’t know if you get enough positive feedback from the people that you talk to & the people who attend your sessions, but once again you’ve been a major help in furthering the growth of my business. (9 years ago your book, If I Could Start All Over Again, saved my career).

So thank you Walter; you’re still the best. See you in Vegas!

Patti Phillips, Prudential California Realty

Cyndi, thank you so much for being so prompt! Please pass on to Walter for me that I was really impressed with his seminar! I went home with more usable information than I usually do after 3 days of seminars! I am sometimes overly critical, as I was a professional speaker, and everything about his presentation was wonderful! Thank him for being so brilliant!

Phil Kaich, Exit Elite Properties

Walter, just wanted to say how much I appreciated today’s seminar. I have been an agent for 15 years and I have to say that what you have to say was extremely helpful…THE BEST I’VE HEARD!

See you at your next seminar.

Irina Stanislav, Exit Elite Newport Beach Properties

Hi Walter,

Just a little note to thank you. This seminar/training was the “BEST” and we love you for it.

Karen Kramford, RE/MAX Great American

Walter –

I wanted to thanks you for sharing your knowledge and skills with me. After taking this training seminar, I came away with a much stronger understanding of how to use the materials. Now I select what will work best for each situation. The scripts are wonderful and I practice 1/2 hour per day. I still need too discipline myself in the lead generation. I only spend 1 hour per day and half of that time is with expired and canceled listings. Introversion is not the name of the game here!

Jean Amel, Realty Executives


Dave & I really enjoyed the seminar. Got our first 1 year listing the other day on a $759,900 lakefront expired listing… the strategy works. We’d love to attend one on “Expireds, FSBO’s & Open Houses”. Thanks again!

Tressie Clemans


Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to attend your training.  It encouraged me, gave me some new tools in my box, and gave me some much needed perspective changes. It’s easy to stagnate in this business and what I heard that day gave me a real shot in the arm that I needed.  Your generosity was much appreciated!

Carol Harold, Long and Foster Real Estate

I wanted to say thank you for your article in the last issue of the REBAC magazine. Your programs are wonderful. I purchased your books How to Manage Buyers and How to Manage Sellers about 11 or 12 years ago. Sometimes I still open them when I need a phrase for a letter.

You were motivational for my career. I was beginning a second career and I went from a rookie to a 10 million dollar + agent and now I am an instructor with Long & Foster in West Virginia .

You probably are too busy to read your emails but I wanted to tell how important your systems were to me and my success. In today’s market, it is about getting back to basics. Your systems are timeless, they are not a fad.

Thank you

Connie Hinsdale, Coldwell Banker

All worked out just fine. We had a nice opportunity to visit with Walter and a beautiful day here to enjoy. The presentation was EXCELLENT ! My hat goes off for Walter’s spirited, enthusiastic, laced-with-good-humor presentation! My agents had nothing but positive things to say. Lots of great new ideas as well as reinforcing some good old basics that we get out of the habit of using. I did mention to Walter that his marketing people do a good job – -you were persistent, but not obnoxiously so. So thanks to you also.

With my best regards,
Connie Hinsdale
Coldwell Banker

Ken and Barbe Bryant, Rodeo Realty

Hello Walter,

Thank you for your quick response. Your “team” already took care of this matter, WOW what super people you work with! This weekend at our open house we will be using some of the info from your (Buyer Net Profit System)….

P.S. You have helped rekindle the fire YEEEEES!  Again thank you so much for being you!

Bruce Wingard, EXIT Realty

Click here to view the actual letter.

Lillian Walker, EXIT Beach Cities Realty

Click here to view the actual letter.

Debbie Penny, Legacy Real Estate Group

I have 19 years full-time experience in real estate and opened my own company on Nov. 1, 2005. I have 10 agents and half are newer to the business. I want to keep them motivated and inspired, and Walter is one of very few speakers that I can relate to and love to hear. His ideas are current and make sense. Even newer agents on limited budgets can work with his systems without breaking the bank.

Peggy McAdams, EXIT Realty

Click here to view the actual letter.

Edward Mandeville, Housing Specialties

Click here to view the actual letter.

Craig Francis, RSA Realty


I am a young REALTOR® in the Seacoast area of NH, and I went to one of your seminars. I just wanted to say thank you for all the ideas of how to become more successful in my career.

I have placed some of your ideas in action along with one other of the agents that I work with and trust, the two of us have yet to see results but are so positive that we will be more successful due to the ideas that you have given me. I have not been one to follow the pack in my life so I put my own spin on things and will be more successful then any other agent in my area. I am mostly greatful for you opening my eyes to the fact that I need to set time aside for fun. People don’t mind as much when I tell them out right that I am going to a baseball game with my family or I don’t work on Sunday’s because it is my day off. I will no longer be on the special 24-7 program, and my wife is much happier also.

Thank you very much, and I appreciate the fact that you came and spoke to all of us. You will be reading about me in one of the REALTOR® magazines or on the Forbes 500 list in the future.

Manuel Davila, Century 21

Click here to view the actual letter.

Irv Tremblay, Century 21

Dear Walter:

This year I was fortunate enough to be the #1 Century 21 agent in Regina and the # 5 agent in Canada . This is no small feat considering we are the Number One Firm in Canada .

Walter I could not have done this without you. I used you as a coach way back in 1993 and I still use your material and quote you all the time. My systems I use in my office as well as the Assistants Training Program are still the ones you taught me.

Walter thanks again, your the greatest!

Monique Adjami Shevlin, Signature Title Corporation

…The event went very well yesterday. We have had numerous positive responses from the attendees.
Walter, thank you for being available for a rescheduled date. And Cyndi, thank you for being so very helpful with every detail from initial contact through flight status updates!!

Holly Nelson, Pete Anderson Realty

Hi, Walter. You spoke to our group in Portland recently and I ordered the firecrackers and many of your books. I wanted to share that I came straight home to the coast and did the firecracker program on a FSBO new construction builder and took 4 trips and the sold sign at the front door, but between me and the 3 other realtors vying…..I got the listing!!! Also, check out, you’ll like my version of your fortune cookie ad….I’m hot and rolling! And really having fun with your stuff!

Sharon Merkley, Century 21 Network Realty Ltd

I enjoyed your in-person presentation in Toronto last month. Currently, I am doing in-house training.

Name Withheld

Hi Walter,

I had the pleasure of talking to you at the seminar @ The River Rock Casino Feb. 21st. I’m the gal in recovery and battling back to reclaim all that was lost. In the coarse of my recovery( 8 yrs now. one day at a time) I have gone from Safeway Cashier to a Realtor and can not believe the gifts that God and recovery have brought me. I am anticipating receiving your books and I am excited about trudging the happy road of density. I want more than anything to be successful in this business and I will use your material and directions as my guide to increasing my business. Thank you for your seminar I really enjoyed it. It’s so cool how God puts people in your path just when you need them. When the student is ready the Teacher appears. I’ll let you now how I am making out but you probably receive hundreds of emails a day and may not have time to respond. I just wanted you to how grateful I am that you came to Vancouver and I was fortunate enough to hear you speak and meet you. Thanks again, Walter.

Nancy Bloom, C21 Heritage Group

I saw you recently at the C21 kickoff and thought it was one ofthe best presentations I have seen (been in business almost 20 years). We bought most of the books. The agents have been borrowing them and the feedback has been great.

Donald Lawby, Century 21 Canada

Click here to view the actual letter.

Robert Connole, Connole-Morton Real Estate School

Click here to view the actual letter.

Paul Viau, Guaranty GMAC Real Estate

Saw your workshop last week in Hollywood Fl. – GMAC Loved the stuff!

Scott LeForce, Realty World
Dear Walter:

Thank you for making such a great impact on everyone at our recent event in Dublin, California . You never fail to deliver a power packed day and all attendees walk away with an action plan they can put in place the moment they get back to the office. I and everyone from the Realty World Family thank you for your undying enthusiasm and masterful programs. We are looking forward to another session with Sanford Systems & Strategies and would validate your tremendous expertise and value to anyone that inquires.

Again, many thanks. In consideration of your efforts and interests, I remain
Scott LeForce, President

Cleo Gilgenbach, WHY USA Realty

Click here to view the actual letter.

Keith Stell, Help U Sell Network Realty

Thanks Walter for your very interesting session. It is always a pleasure to here you talk. To have someone who tells it like it is is very refreshing in today’s world. Keep up the good work. Thanks again, Keith

Kathy Brothers, RE/MAX Great American

Hi Walter!

Thanks for your presentation today…as always, you exceeded my expectations!

I am ready to take my business to a higher level, and I would like to talk with you about how to accomplish that. You are one of my goals, in the form of coaching, that is! The only question in my mind is, is that a 2007 or 2008 goal. I feel that my business would improve significantly if I was coached by you.

Of course, it comes down to the bottom line, which is of course, cost. I know you work with the country’s top producers…I’m not there. Yet!

Next time your time is blocked for returning emails, I hope to hear from you. I’d love to set up a time when we could talk.

Thank you again for your time today! It was spectacular!

Shawn Gorham, Century 21


I was so *&^%(^% inspired when I heard you speak at the Norwalk Marriot in November 2006. I was so inspired I missed a call that cost me $2,000 and it was worth every penny. Keep up the good work.

Gustavo Ramirez

Hello Walter,

I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed the presentation you did in Oxnard today. I got so much information and took as much notes as I could. I am disappointed that it was only a four hour event. But it is better than not hearing you at all.


When I think of a Top Producing Agent your name comes to mind. Having met you in 1989 in Palm Springs , you have inspired me since that time. I purchased every one of your products because I want to strive to be like you, a mega producer.


Thanks again for your awesome presentation.

Jody Miller, Royal LePage

Click here to view the actual letter.

Julaine Waggoner, RE/MAX College Park

Click here to view the actual letter.

Ron Friesen, Century 21 Beach Realty

Click here to vew the actual letter.

Debra Albice, Central Valley Association of REALTORS®

Click here to view the actual letter.

Catheryne Brown, H.T. Brown Real Estate, Inc.

Click here to view the actual letter.

Mark Janko, Janko Realty

Click here to view the actual letter.

Sheryl Hartley, Re/Max All Stars

Click here to view the actual letter.

Laura Powers, Century 21

Click here to view the actual letter.

Dr. Keith Furrow, Keith Furrow REALTORS®

Click here to view the actual letter.

Herb Carlson

Dear Mr. Sanford,

A note of thanks for the great class you held today in Dana Point .
I always learn something and was able to get some new materials from your staff.

A big thanks to Kevin and his team – Kevin does a great job in lending.

Lisa Bruckner, Zephyr Real Estate

Click here to view the actual letter.

Gregory Berkemer, California Desert Association of REALTORS®

Click here to view the actual letter.

Kay Asher, First Team Real Estate, Los Alamitos, CA

I had the privilege of hearing Walter in Long Beach August 25th. (It was a) very positive experience. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge.

Sandra Sanders

Dear Walter,
What a special person you are to give an exciting presentation and then to send “sweets” to us! We should have been sending you cookies! Of course, we very much enjoyed the delicious cookies! We look forward to seeing you again! Best wishes and congratulations on all your other engagements!

James D’Amico, III, D’Amico Real Estate Services, Saugus, MA

Thanks for the great presentation. The agents loved it! Hope to do more in the future!

Sheri Isenstein

Dear Walter,
Thank you for your fantastic seminar this morning. The feedback from my agents is all positive! I look forward to attending more of your seminars in the future!

Toni Brown, Tomlinson Black

Click here to view the actual letter.

Toni Brown, Tomlinson Black (second letter)

Click here to view the actual letter.

Lea Ann Waugh, RE/MAX Twin City, Bloomington, IL

I attended the seminar on March 24, 2005 at the Radisson sponsored by Integrity Mortgage in Bloomington, IL – it was FANTASTIC! I have attended quite a few and this was very motivating!

Kristina Restivo, Tomlinson Black

Click here to view the actual letter.

Connie Legris, Kankakee County AOR

Click here to view the actual letter.

Phil Woolley, Exit Realty NFI

Walter, thank you for a fabulous presentation in San Destin, Florida last week! You are one of the best “real time” REALTORS® I’ve heard in twenty-two years of professional selling. Anyone who hears you will have a cast iron blueprint to make a serious amount of commissions in this business.

Thanks a million!

Nita Baranowski, One Source Realty GMAC

Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for speaking at the One Source Realty meeting last week. You were great. Not only did you give great information but you entertained me as well. I left energized and that doesn’t seem to happen too easily for me anymore. I think when you said people burn out at about fourteen years in this business that you hit the mark. It made me feel better to know this too will pass.

I also appreciated that you shared (with humor) your tough times. It helped me switch from a negative attitude to an optimistic attitude regarding a couple of things in my own life right now.

You gave much more than just great real estate advice.
Thank you so much!

Sean Allen, One Source Realty GMAC

Thanks for spending some time with us in San Diego. I thoroughly enjoyed your ideas and your personality. I have begun using some of your FSBO and Expired campaign ideas. At least I am having fun doing it. Thanks again.


Steve Marabel, EXIT Realty All Stars

Walter, thanks for speaking in front of Exit Realty Florida last month. It was great stuff and my agents really appreciated you, your presentation, and your books and tapes. Thanks for an enlightening day!

Deanna Haugen, Century 21 Realty Search

Hi, I heard you speak at the Wisconsin REALTORS® convention last week! Thank you!! Great ideas, and got my blood pumping again! 🙂

Michael Metzner, ReMAX, Portage, MI

Click here to view the actual letter.

Debbie McCutcheon, Exit Realty of Lakeland

I recently heard Walter speak in Orlando and was MOTIVATED by his enthusiasm and suggestions. Keep ’em coming!

Joe “J.R.” Reichmann, RE/MAX

Dear Walter,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity in sharing your valuable training materials with me. What a great help your information will be as I begin my real estate career!

Feedback from the rally was extremely positive. You made a great impression as always. If there is anything I can do for you in the future, please don’t hesitate to contact me. All the best!

Sergio J. Curbelo, Exit Realty First 2 Sell

I just went to your seminar today in Ft. Lauderdale and I must say I was BLOWN AWAY! Like you said, you blew my socks off. Thank you for confirming what I have believed, but had yet to confirm: I can have a BLAST doing this business. I love the firecracker idea; you’ve inspired me to push the envelope of creativity with the way I approach all the tasks at hand and increase my market share, productivity and profitability. Thank you and may you continue to be blessed!

John Hill, RE/MAX New Jersey

I recently saw Walter at a RE/Max Seminar in New Jersey and loved his seminar!

Lindsay Beck, Pam Golding Properties

Dear Walter,
Thank you for your letter. You beat me to it! You were superb, and our delegates thoroughly enjoyed your afternoon session. I look forward to hearing the feedback from them once they have implemented some of your ideas.

It was a privilege for PGP having you join us in Zambia, and thank you for your warmth and excellent presentation – it was a pleasure having you with us.

Thanks again.

Pam Golding, Pam Golding Properties

Dear Walter,
Thank you for your email and for the complimentary words about the Zambia conference. We, too, enjoyed it so much and want to thank you for your motivational address, which we all enjoyed. I am sure the agents will benefit from your address.

Martin and Zona-Lize Hayward, Pam Golding Properties

Dear Walter,
Just a short word of thanks for a fantastic time we had listening to you at Victoria Falls, Zambia during the Pam Golding conference. I also purchased all your books that day and boy, what a difference it has made already after only a few weeks! We can’t wait for the next couple of years to see all our plans come together. Greetings from South Africa!

Amy Youngren, EXIT Regional Conference:

“….It was a pleasure meeting you at the EXIT Regional Conference. We were so pleased with the positive response from your seminar and look forward to working with you again in future. Thank you also for the generous gift you gave to me personally, some of your resource books. I know they will be invaluable to my real estate career.
Again, many thanks.”

Amy Haegle, Southern Twin Cities Association of REALTORS®:

Click here to view the actual letter.

Tony Viejo, Exit Realty:

Walter is amazing! I had a chance to experience Walter’s presentation at the EXIT Regional Owner’s meeting in Nashville.

Walter shared some well-directed insights into the real estate business. He is informative and entreating. His ideas seem to sparkle with a sense of “newness,” and his presentation was first rate!

Walter’s real estate advice is delivered in a very professional manner and once in a while he sort of turns into a “Steve Martin” character adding comedy to his well-rehearsed act.

I strongly recommend Walter Sanford and intend to have him in Louisiana for agent training.

Kim Davis, Keller Williams

By the way, I’ve been going through your letters and checklists, and I am astounded! What an incredible goldmine of experience and wisdom I have stumbled upon. When I met you at the NAR Convention, walking into your seminar, you said to me, “Well, I won’t change your life today, but I hope you’ll take something away from it.” You were wrong, Walter (and I am so very thankful)! I’m so excited about all the things I am learning and all the changes I am making as a result of it. You rule!

Dan Gooder Richard, Gooder Group

Click here to view the actual letter.

Bruno Friia, Lambros Real Estate

Click here to view the actual letter.

Dan Anderson, Troth REALTORS®

Click here to view the actual letter.

Cherie White, Troth REALTORS®

I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar in Lancaster, California. What a great way to start the New Year! Thank you!

Jim Mercer

Walter, the seminar today was very enjoyable, especially since you personalized it for me. It was fun being the “new guy.” I also think that I learned a lot, particularly that many of the things I already wanted to do would work and work well. Thanks for the fun and exciting morning. I needed to check with my wife before I bought the book If I Could Start Over, so I could not do it at the seminar. Here’s my order. If you are ever in the area again and would like to stay in a home rather than a hotel, feel free to give me a call. We have a nice guest room you can stay in. Actually, we have a couple of rooms, so if there are more than one in your party, you can all stay here. Be well, and good luck in your own adventures.

Robert Connole, Connole Morton Real Estate School

Click here to view the actual letter.

Yvonne Hansen, Solle Realty, Inc.

I was at one of your presentations in Missoula, MT for Connole/Morton continuing ed classes. I was very impressed and learned a lot. Thank you.

Debbie Lykes, Century 21

Just a note to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed your two seminars at the Triple Play Atlantic City Convention. Your thinking is so out-of the-box and creative than any speaker I have heard. I have been in this business for about one year and so far all of the speakers I have heard have promoted the same stupid stuff; cold calls, sphere of influence, etc. Thanks for letting me know that YOU CAN do different things (and guess what — they work too! Happy Holidays!

Diana Walley, Keller Williams

I ordered two of your tapes from the NAR convention since I couldn’t attend everything I wanted to. The one on “Creative Cooking” in particular was GREAT! I wanted to know (will look some more), about the problem checklist you speak about, you said it was on a “button on your website.” Can you direct me to any “creative tips” I could use? I think your 15 minute open house floor plan is AWESOME and how to be a hero in your own neck of the woods. Like I always say, if I can even one good idea to make me money at these conventions, it’s worth the entire trip. Sorry I didn’t get to see you in person, maybe next time.

Brad Hanks, RE/MAX Pacific Northwest

The RE/MAX Pacific Northwest region recently hosted Walter Sanford at our annual sales associate retreat, and I cannot speak highly enough of the results. His delivery kept people rolling with laughter, as he imparted information for the audience to utilize in their businesses! We highly recommend you book Walter to address your group, as we are confident he will make you look good!

Joe Hilgart, RE/MAX Northwest


Just want to extend my personal thanks for the outstanding job you did at our recent RE/MAX Pacific Northwest regional sales associate retreat, Sept. 18-20, in Sunriver, Oregon. I’ve been to many training and motivational sessions at RE/MAX in the past nine years, but your presentation was one of the best and most highly acclaimed by our brokers and sales associates.

You said you would tailor-make the presentation to fit the audience and you must have gauged it properly because you have received rave reviews from everyone. Thank you for making our event a true success.

If you have anyone else considering you as a speaker, don’t hesitate to give out my name as a recommendation. Take care and look forward to working with you again in the near future.

Scott LeForce, Realty World

Click here to view the actual letter.

Patrick Conner, London Properties

Click here to view the actual letter.

Jack Merryman, Baird and Warner

Dear Cyndi,
I can’t thank you enough! The speed and ease with which you sent me the compressed files was remarkable. Thank you so much for your lightening fast response. Now, more than ever, I realize how and why the Walter Sanford organization is tops!

Catherine Schwier-Mencer, South Monmouth BOR

Click here to view the actual letter.

Lori, Century 21 Gold Key

Dear Walter and Staff,
Thank you so much for your kind words and great job! You are a spectacular team to work with and it was a pleasure seeing you again. You know, Walter, we might have relaxed you enough on the dinner cruise that you would have forgotten about all the “stuff” in the real world. I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Patsy Strong, Patsy Strong Team

I saw Walter at the 2002 NAR Convention. It was my first year in real estate. I ended that year as my company’s top producer selling over $8 million. In 2003, I’ve sold $16 million to date. I thoroughly believe his marketing tactics and tips are “award winners,” and I absolutely love his positive, straight-forward attitude about the business. He told me I could do it…and I did! Looking forward to the newsletter.

Mark Rosenquist, HMS National

Dear Walter,
Hope all is well with you! I want to thank you again for your participation in the recent HMS audio program that you did with Dave Queen. The feedback from our field staff and real estate clients has been very favorable. All agree that the information provided is both timely and valuable.

I’ve enclosed a few samples of the finished product for your ‘greatest hits’ collection.

I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Brad Wulf, RE/MAX Equity Group

Click here to view the actual letter.

Daniel Peaslee, Century 21

Click here to view the actual letter.

“C,” Century 21

Thanks for making so much sense of my new real estate career. While waiting on my license (it arrived this week), I went through the Century 21 training program and I have been seeking a system/program/mentor for direction. As much as I love reading books, I was pretty much “burned out” from books and reading a zillion pages of information from many popular speaker/mentors in North America in hopes of finding something that “clicked.” Well, I have to say, your approach is awesome. No smoke screen and mirrors. Just what I need!

I will order materials very soon! Do you have any southern California appearances/seminars/engagements in the near future? I’m just getting going as an agent and want to do really well “out of the box.”

Sheri Meyers, Century 21

Dear Walter:
I feel compelled to write and thank you for such an exhilarating and stimulating “event.” It truly was uplifting, informative, inspirational, and rewarding.

Gary Kent, Century 21

Dear Walter:
Thank you for a fantastic seminar! The information you provided was full of terrific moneymaking ideas. Also, I’ve just started listening to and viewing some of your newer products. I own everything you sell and I am finding the short-sale tapes and the modular listing presentation video to be invaluable. Take care.

David MacLucas, Non-Stop Real Estate

Hey Walter, great presentation today! You are an awesome speaker with great energy. You’re right up there with my favorite — Tony Robbins! Thanks for the powerful compliments, inspiration, and motivation. The next time I attend another one of your seminars, I will probably be a great testimonial to your techniques!

Stephen D. Walters, Prudential

Dear Walter, I just wanted to say thanks for taking my call on Friday and thanks a lot for extending me the Prudential discount you offered at the convention. I’d love to stay in touch with you and let you know how I’m progressing with your system. I’ve been an agent for just over a year and have heard a ton of speakers preaching different “proven systems” and I’ve got to tell you, your energy and passion have got me so fired up, I haven’t hardly slept since I got back from Vegas. Thanks again Walter. It was a privilege to hear you speak.

Patty Scarafile, Prudential Carolina

Dear Walter,

I want to personally thank you for speaking with our group and sharing your inspiring and motivating message with all of us. I think from the moment you entered the room and began mingling with the group one could feel the excitement. So many of our agents were able to attend and I think we had a record turnout for our first company meeting of 2003.

It was a very special moment for us to have Everett Presson introduce you to the group and to have him share his enthusiasm for you and the Sanford Systems. He was instrumental in us talking with you initially and getting you to Charleston. I thought you might like to know that he received our 2002 Top Producer Award Saturday night at our awards gala.

I have heard so many wonderful comments from people who attended. I think each person walked away with a new excitement and purpose not only for their business but their personal lives as well. Your interaction with the crowd really sparked something in them. I think this was well-evidenced by the number of people who were eager to learn more about your systems and strategies and purchased so many of your materials. I know for a fact that many of the agents have implemented several of your ideas and are having “fun” with their newfound success.

Thank you again for being with us, entertaining us, and inspiring us. Sanford Systems and Strategies is right on target and we were thrilled to have you with us and to share your incredible stories with us. Best wishes to you for many, many continued success stories.

Tom Conway, Realty Executives

Dear Walter,

Thanks a lot, sir. I took your idea of buying rentals but only at a POSITIVE CASH FLOW! What a concept! I once had five homes and a four-plex but lost everything in a bad market because of negative cash flows and a divorce. My new wife and I went from 0 to millionaires in less then five years and now only owe $400,000 on five homes. Thanks again Walter!

Rand Smith, Real Estate by Rand

Dear Walter:
ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE! Congratulations, you have just pulled off an incredible feat — an organized, effective, mastermind meeting with over 600 participants. Who would have thought it possible? I must say I did have my doubts, but you demolished those thoughts within the first 30 minutes of the very first session. I have already implemented three of the cutting edge ideas presented by you….

You and your entire staff are to be congratulated on a job well done…..

I was glad to see that you did not criticize any other speakers. As you know, I believe as you do, that we can learn from the experiences of many people, and keeping our minds expanded and exposing ourselves to as many BIG thinkers as possible is how we excel to the next levels. In conclusion Walter, it was not only a fun-filled day, but the free flow of cutting edge ideas were overwhelming yet do-able. Thanks again for inviting me. See you next time!

Terry Paranych, RE/MAX Real Estate
Dear Walter: I have now been home three days and I thought the program you put on in California was absolutely magnificent….

Walter you became my personal role model and I had no idea how big your program really were….

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, as a top producer, I am so proud to be associated with Sanford Systems.

Stacie Zweifel, Town and Country REALTORS®
Hello, I attended your seminar last Thursday in Sioux Falls, SD. I bought eight of your books – and love them – thank you! Thank you for the awesome seminar! I am going to become the top agent in Sioux Falls within five years. Thank you for the encouragement!

Lucy Perenboom, Realty Executives

Dear Walter,

On June 18th, you came to Tucson Country Club and offered us so many wonderful ideas. I spoke to you before your presentation and we discussed how I was a new agent and how I had been selling FSBOs. Up until your talk, I had hesitated pursuing listings, because despite my company’s excellent training and support, I was not personally confident enough to do it. I had heard my manager tell us to use the fact that we are new agents to our advantage, but I just was not quite ready to do it. Well, after your talk I was determined to give it a try. I purchased The Seller Solution and started reading and planning. I was on floor at the office the Friday following your talk and a gentleman called and told me he was interviewing agents to list his father’s home. I told him I would meet with him the following day at 2 p.m. I ran to the property and took a digital photo, which I printed and placed on the outside of the binder that held the property info. I used the picture to create a mock-up flyer showing how I would begin marketing the property. I watched The Seller Solution tapes and took notes on how I would obtain this listing. The next day I entered the home, sat across the table from the owner and his son, both highly successful businessmen, and I was very honest. I told them I was newly licensed, but that my family has been in real estate my whole life. I told them that I do not have many listings, and I will give my all to you. I told them I knew that they had interviewed other more experienced agents, so they had probably gotten some pretty slick presentations, so I asked them if they wanted it slick or really honest. They said honest and that is what I gave them. A week later the son called and told me I got the listing because I was aggressive, I called back, did all my homework, and was honest in my approach. The home sold in seven days and the family is delighted because it sold for $500 over the list price!

I am writing to thank you for pushing me “over the edge.” I am no longer afraid to pursue listings and, now that summer is over and the kids are back in school — I can go out with confidence knowing that I can really compete with the big guys and win! Thank you!

“Big Boat Bob”
Walter, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful seminar you did for us on Wednesday. I came away with some great ideas that should improve my personal business as well as my branch’s bottom line. I hope to see you again sometime in the future. Thanks!

Victoria Lawrence, AZ
I attended Walter’s seminar in Scottsdale on June 19th, and I was so motivated! Thanks to many of his suggestions. I’ll be off to a strong start in real estate!

Joyce Riskas, Southland Regional AOR
Walter was great. We actually had to turn people away because of the room size. I have had very positive feedback. Thank you!

Dave Rheubottom, Long Realty Company
Walter, today I completed the video set. Your openhandedness is VERY refreshing. It’s okay to feel good about doing a good job in our business, unabashedly! If I may, knowing you’re busy, (hopefully with little Abigail) that as I get business directly as a result of your systems — I’d like to tell you so. So far, two FSBOs have been connected to my “team lender” (daveteam, that is)!

Dave Rheubottom, Long Realty Company
In seven years of real estate, I’ve put my business card into over a hundred lead-cut glass crystal bowls, without a lick of luck. Thank you for picking me today to win your system package!

During your presentation, I was asking myself, “If I could have ONE thing from Walter today, what would it be?” The answer HAD to be, “If I could start over in real estate today….”

Because I’ve lived in LA basin/Santa Monica/Venice, I have friends in Palos Verdes, and I flown privately to Catalina Island. It’s easy for me to imagine your every step. Suzanne Sommers (and of course Patrick Duffy–Step by Step) is a favorite, but you can have the USC football team!

Congratulations on the “F” words thing. To me, you’re the David Adelson of real estate. David and I were “roomies” for 5 1/2 years by Muscle Beach, during which time he went from “Cashbox” Magazine as managing editor, the record charts’ trade second to “Billboard,” to help form “HITS” magazine with two other principals.

He now does daily “Top 5” on “E!” network, as well as backstage at the Grammys with Joan Rivers. Why tell you? Because you both have that INCREDIBLE ENERGY and UNSTOPPABLE work ethic!

I STRONGLY and completely appreciate this opportunity to have a “head start” with your materials. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

I look forward to reporting back to you on how I do with applying them daily. Best regards!

P.S. When I heard from the Charter Funding loan officer, Debbie Blackburn, about your “Tucson Country Club” speaking engagement, I was elated! We hadn’t spoken lately, but she was one of the first persons with whom I’d applied your “team” principles.

Koos Fenwick, AIDA National Franchises

Mr. Sanford,

Thank you for your letter, and I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU SIR, right back at you.

We have received numerous compliments, although JIGSAW has probably already thanked you, I wish to confirm it. Having had previous experience with CRS, it is always fabulous to listen to the expertise of successful ‘giant” like yourself, no pun intended.

Your material was fresh and most appropriate. Your presentation was exceptional. I hope we will see each other at the NAR; however I am positive, we will see you in South Africa again.

Good Luck with your travels and have a fabulous year!

P.S. Remember to stay a bit longer next time. We have so much more to offer.

Nick Hill, AIDA
Hi Walter,

I trust this mail finds you well, with your baby comfortably in your arms. Little ones can really get one to “long for home,” — no matter where one is!

May I congratulate you on a brilliant talk? Your inspiration has been highly received, with many agents formulating a plan of action in regard to your products and ideas.

My sadness however, is that you didn’t have an opportunity to see our beautiful South Africa, with its big game and fabulous beaches (ideal for surfing), great mountains, and the “African way of life.” Well, I suppose that’s business, what can one say.

Please let me know when you will visit us again, as I look forward to showing you around my part of Africa, Cape Town. You’ll find us on the map, at the southern tip of Africa, and I attach hereto, a picture of the beaches and view which we have the privilege to enjoy daily.
Thank you once again, and our short time we had together when I met you at the airport was an honor indeed.

I remain, your new “African” friend.

P.S. You certainly did change many lives. God bless.

Jackie Cozzi, Rockford Area AOR
On behalf of the Rockford Area Association of REALTORS®, I would like to thank you for your “Survival of the Fittest” presentation that you did for our members on Friday, April 19, 2002.

Our members have become very familiar with your energetic style and always welcome the opportunity to see you. They have been able to utilize your knowledge and expertise that you present in an entertaining fashion, into their everyday business activity.

The Rockford Area Association of REALTORS® appreciated your flexibility in scheduling this event and I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Karen Moss, San Diego Association of REALTORS®
In the six years I have been with the San Diego Association of REALTORS®, I have enlisted Walter as a guest speaker on several occasions at various seminars and events. Whether he’s our featured speaker at one of our events or one of several speakers at our annual real estate expo, Walter’s seminars are always filled to capacity and the most-talked about, highest-rated seminars we feature. He offers valuable insight into the industry and gives his audience ready-to-use information so that when they leave, they leave with a new perspective and a feeling of confidence.

The consummate professional, Walter is always prepared, on time, upbeat and relates to his audience — the kind of professional speaker every event planner wants to work with. I look forward to enlisting Walter as a featured speaker in the future and would recommend him to anyone
looking for dynamic speaker and industry expert.

Chris Lovin, Camden, Maine (this is a testimonial written to the sponsor about the seminar he attended featuring Walter Sanford)

To Bob Friberg
People’s Heritage Bank

Bravo! What a pleasure it was for me to soak up the enthusiasm of Walter Sanford. I’ve been in real estate for some time (first in Illinois, now in the mid-coast area of Maine) and have attended countless seminars. I have to say that I believe Walter Sanford’s presentation has provided me with more solid, workable ideas that I can relate directly to my day-to-day business than any two of the others combined.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your associates from People’s Heritage for hosting such a wonderful morning. It was well worth the drive (1 1/2 hours) and time involved. I look forward to talking with a mid-coast representative from People’s soon.

Thanks for showing your willingness to cooperate with the real estate agents of the state of Maine in such a tangible way.

David Loveless, RE/MAX

Hey Walter,

I called your office after I read your article on the “dime a dip” home tours. Congratulations! You were right about some of the agents I’ve dealt with in the past becoming a little annoyed that I got my real estate license, but they are the insecure and the slugs who aren’t the big hitters. In fact, at RE/MAX College Park where I work, the top producers have even called me to offer their help! I think I told you I passed the real estate exam last February but didn’t activate my license until December. I didn’t start doing anything until mid January when I finally ordered business cards. Yes, I just sold a home for some first time buyers near South and Downey, LB. ($243,200, 3/1.75, 1190 on 7410 lot).

So, here’s a big THANK YOU! As I’ve said before, I really enjoy watching you give seminars and working with you. Obviously, some of it has rubbed off on me. I feel I have confidence that other new agents don’t have because of the experience you have provided me. I’m still doing Spotlight Productions and I will always have time for you if you need me. I think I told you about the Boeing video CD on “Electronic Dent Removal” I produced last year? The initial order was 1000 copies and they just re-ordered another 1000. They attribute its success to the fact that their customers can just play it on their computer, making it less of a hassle to turn on the TV and run the VCR. I hope things are well with you. I miss talking to you and your staff.

Attending your seminars and listening to your vast assortment of audio training tapes has had a huge impact on my career. I wouldn’t be the REALTOR® I am today without your professional instruction and help! Having entered the real estate industry in 1988, I am so excited that I just sold my first home! Yep, and the second one will surely come within the next 12-14 years!

Carolyn McNamara, The McNamara Group

Hi Walter,
Eight years ago I attended your seminar on assistants and soon implemented into my way of doing business. I started with a part-time licensed assistant. I am now the top selling agent in the Victor Valley (three years), have a sellers assistant, buyers agent, and a support staff of two. Last year we did 164 sides! You used to have two-day seminars, and I attended two of them. What do you have to offer now that can help to increase my business and give me more family time? I think you are great and I owe much of my success to you! I always strive to build a client for life, not just one transaction. (Just like you teach!)

Mary McNeil, RE/MAX
After twenty-six years in the business, thought I’d heard it all, seen it all and tried it all — but after your “37 Hottest Prospecting Ideas” seminar, you’ve changed my mind! Of course these ideas all make sense and of course they’re entirely too easy to implement. Why didn’t I think of them first?! Thanks again for a wonderful seminar!

Terry Paranych, RE/MAX
When I started in real estate five years ago, I was absolutely floundering. Somehow I found my way to a Walter Sanford seminar and, three hours later, I bought every product he had on his table. In literal days, I was implementing his systems, and they were working unbelievably well! I still use his systems and wisdom, and I am absolutely convinced that I wouldn’t be anywhere near the production level I am without his guidance throughout my real estate career. The great thing about Walter Sanford is that it doesn’t matter where you live — what he teaches is adjustable, applicable and very, very effective in any market and with any agent who’s just willing to try.

Rick Franz, Windemere Real Estate
Your seminar exceeded my expectations. You’re terrific on tape and your books have been crucial to my success in this business… but seeing you live on stage is a different matter completely! I feel I can really take it on now. Thanks for your dedication to our industry. You’ve certainly made a difference in how I look at prospecting.

David Andrews, RE/MAX
I heard about Walter Sanford long before I ever heard him speak. I’d already convinced myself that he was a California hot dog – how in the world can you not be when you pull $70 million in production . . . by yourself. . . every year? I figured he and I would always be worlds apart, and I couldn’t have been more wrong. First and foremost, Walter Sanford is an amazingly nice person. He’s got his head on straight, and his focus is razor sharp. His experience in our industry is just phenomenal. Whether it’s new prospecting systems he dreamed up, telemarketing teams he put together, real estate investments he made, or even management challenges that people like me understand – he has real-world answers that are always on-target, always ahead of their time and very easy to put to work in one’s business.

Brian Frumhoff, Realty Exchange

Dear Walter,
Two winters ago, I had the good fortune of attending your seminar at the Ritz-Carlton in St. Louis, Missouri. I apologize now for rudely exiting your seminar in order to promptly secure the URL “,” but there were only over a thousand other real estate agents in attendance that day taking notes. My lucky streak continued, even though “stlouisrealestate” and “stlouishomes” were already secured by others.

I would like to, again, express my sincere gratitude for the wealth of priceless systems, strategies, and information you shared that day and in your materials since.

Your passion to help sales professionals and organizations soar beyond that elusive “next level” is truly commendable.

As a result of Brian’s successful website capture – the following was written about him.

Fast Forward by Angela Mueller
Brian Frumhoff owned a domain name for more than two years before he actually developed his website.

Frumhoff, 39, a real estate agent with Douglas Properties in Clayton, purchased the domain name St. Louis in 1997. He didn’t know exactly how to develop a site or what he wanted to have on his site, but he knew what the site’s name should be.

“I went to a seminar that was put on by a real estate guru named Walter Sanford (,” Frumhoff says. “What I took away from it was an idea of where the internet is going and what would be hot names for a website.”

At the seminar, Sanford listed his picks for the top three domain names for selling real estate online. Filling in the proper city or town for each REALTOR® – he suggested St. Louis (or Kansas City or Springfield, etc.) Homes, St. Louis Real Estate, or St. Louis Properties.

“After he said that, I got up from the seminar, and I made a call on my cell phone and bought the domain name St. Louis Properties,” Frumhoff says. And then he waited.

“For two years I didn’t know what I wanted to do on my site,” he says. “I didn’t know how to write a website. I didn’t know if I should hire somebody to write the website.

“Eventually I decided I would learn how to write a website. It took me about two years from the time I originally had the idea for the site until the time I had it up and running. But when I finally decided I was going to do it, it took me three weeks to write it.”

Developing the right look for the website included a flight above the Mississippi River in a rented helicopter, Frumhoff rented the helicopter to take some aerial shots of downtown St. Louis, which as featured on his site ( The St. Louis Properties home page opens up to a view of the Arch from over the river, and the Brian’s picture gallery link features various shots of downtown, including aerial photos of Busch Stadium and the TWA Dome.

Frumhoff’s site features properties he has for sale, properties he recently sold and properties available for rent in the Clayton area. Other links available through Frumhoff’s site include Douglas Properties, the St. Louis and National Association of REALTORS®, Clayton Chamber of Commerce, St. Louis Regional Chamber, and Growth Association, and Brian’s pick of lenders.

Frumhoff entered the online marketplace with St. Louis at the beginning of this year. He originally paid $150 for the domain name and now pays $35 a year to maintain the name, a worthwhile investment, he says.

“As a business owner, my ‘store’ is open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day,” he says. “Or as they say nowadays 24-7. What other medium could provide me that kind of exposure? And what would it cost? Just to run a two-line ad in The Post-Dispatch for a couple days, including a Sunday, runs about the same as a whole year of domain name ownership.”

Frumhoff sells mostly multi-family dwellings, such as apartment, building and other rental properties. He also owns and manages some rental properties.

He isn’t the only one selling buildings and homes through a home page. Many of his peers in real estate are making their presence known on the web.

“Projections have been made that within the next ten years, most real estate will be handled through the internet,” he says. “Real estate agents who want to be players, must position themselves in that market, and more and more are.”

Katelyn Parrot, Van Schaack and Co.
I don’t usually take the time to attend many seminars as, like most real estate professionals, my time is very dear to me. But I attended the Walter Sanford seminar, hoping for some useful information that would help me prepare for keeping my business alive as we move into the 21st century. Needless to say, you got my attention! I listened, I purchased the material you told me I needed and I tried it your way.

After one short month, my career has changed dramatically! I’m working the same number of hours, but I’m bringing in so much more income because I’m finally working smarter. It’s so exciting to have found a system of selling real estate that has the promise of taking my business to a higher level. I never would have believed that a three-hour seminar could have done so much for me, but you’ve won my loyalty and my loud-mouthed testimony for years!

Katelyn Parrot, Van Schaack and Co.

I don’t usually take the time to attend many seminars as, like most real estate professionals, my time is very dear to me. But I attended the Walter Sanford seminar, hoping for some useful information that would help me prepare for keeping my business alive as we move into the 21st century. Needless to say, you got my attention! I listened, I purchased the material you told me I needed and I tried it your way.

After one short month, my career has changed dramatically! I’m working the same number of hours, but I’m bringing in so much more income because I’m finally working smarter. It’s so exciting to have found a system of selling real estate that has the promise of taking my business to a higher level. I never would have believed that a three-hour seminar could have done so much for me, but you’ve won my loyalty and my loud-mouthed testimony for years!

Art Scott, Scott Real Estate

Two years ago, I felt that there was no more “up” to be had. I was tired. I was beat up. I was bruised from beating against the same old walls. I’d begun to contemplate, long and seriously, the move to different career. Then you came through my town and, in just a few short hours, told me how I could get above it all and move to the next level. In just twelve months, I increased my closing production by more than $12 million, and it was solely due to your systems, Walter Sanford! What’s even better is that I absolutely love what I do now. You’ve made all the difference in this career of mine. Thank you!

Craig Proctor, RE/MAX

Few of our industry’s “experts” have even done what they’re teaching. Really! Most of the well-known national trainers have not been in the real estate business for more than fifteen years! Walter Sanford adds tremendous value because he talks from his own result, his own failures, his own experiences. He’s constantly adjusting, improving and hacking away at the stuff that just costs us money.

Pam Larimer, Women’s Council of REALTORS®

It’s Pam Larimer from San Diego. I got your letter and you really just touched my heart. You are so wonderful.

I can’t wait to start implementing some of the systems. My assistant and I parted ways as I told you we probably were and until I get someone hired I am kind of pulled in ten directions here.

Your material is great! You got a standing ovation at our group. The energy never stopped! We didn’t want you to stop.

By the way, I have highly recommended you to speak at our state meeting in January.

Alex Martinez

Dear Walter,
I’m sure that because of the many agents that came by your booth, it is impossible for you to remember me. I want to thank you for taking the time to help me with my day planner, but most of all thanks for the wonderful material that you produced. I’ve listened to all of the Walter Sanford live tapes in the series once, and I’m going through them a second time with pen and paper so that I can make notes to implement the ideas that you bring up. I’m on Month 1, week 1, day 4 of If I Could Start Over Again; I have two lunches set up this week with the #1 & #2 agents of the company that has 50% market share in the Victor Valley; I have made copies of the “Open House Checklists” and I’m doing an open house on Sunday; I got a reference letter from the escrow I closed two weeks ago; my broker said that he’ll go through the old files to give me the names of past clients that are “Realtor® orphans”; today, I put my listing presentation packet together; I have a list of 110 listings that will expire through the end of this month. Today is Tuesday and I plan to knock on ten of those doors this Thursday! Wow, I’m tired and fired up at the same time! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to succeed; I hope to become one of your many successes!

Elayne K. Beyer, Realty Executives

Dear Walter,

Walter, I hope this expresses my thanks to you during our recent 12th annual Realty Executives International Convention in Orlando! Everyone I came into contact with at the event absolutely loved your session!

Realty Executives is growing fast, and our owners and agents are the very best in the world. We were extremely proud to have your name on our agenda this year. I think you understand where I am coming from as director of meetings for Realty Executives International. Your enthusiasm, spontaneity, and warmth to our meeting attendees is very important to me. Not only are you a true professional, you are delightful and a pleasure to work with.

Thank you so much for all your efforts in our behalf! You went the extra mile and I really appreciate it. Much luck to you in the future and please stay in touch. We enjoyed having you as part of the “family”!

Noel Bittinger, RE/MAX

Hi Wally,
Thanks so much for all the great information you shared with us in Detroit. I’ve been reading about all your ideas for years in your newsletters and have implemented many of those ideas already. We happen to be the top-producing agents in our region closing over $23,000,000 in volume. Your fabulous and innovative ideas have gotten my whole team fired up to do over $35,000,000. We tied up all the five surrounding communities on the net right after class. The other REALTORS® won’t know what hit ’em!

Michael I. Pappas, The Keyes Company

Dear Walter,
Thank you for the privilege of hearing you speak at our Rising Star Retreat aboard the Carnival Imagination. Each of us present enjoyed the information, insights, and inspiration that you offered in your speech. Your ideas and enthusiastic approach to real estate are truly on the cutting edge of today’s market. We all felt enlightened, as well as elevated, by the content and attitude that permeated your remarks. We wish you continued success in any future endeavors.

Stacy Lowrance, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®

Dear Walter,
Motivating, maverick, truthful and outspoken are just a few words attendees used to describe you after Thursday’s seminar! On behalf of the Sacramento Association of REALTORS® and the Affiliate Expo attendees, thank you for the seminar you delivered to our group.

Attendees seemed to gain valuable information that they were able to take home and implement immediately. The REALTORS® I saw leaving the seminar were genuinely “fired up!”

Again, thank you. I hope your visit was of equal success for you. May you continue to prosper.

Martha Rusk, Women’s Council of REALTORS®

Dear Walter,
On behalf of WCR’s national LTG Committee, warmest thanks for being a part of our Midwinter Meeting in San Antonio.

Your session was outstanding. The members’ comments say it all: “Very Exciting Seminar,” “Walter was Fantastic,” and “Best LTG Speaker I Have Ever Heard.”

Small wonder, given these superlatives, that the members rated your session a near perfect 4.7 out of a possible 5. We truly appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and expertise with our members.

It was a pleasure to work with you.

Mary Alice Ruppert, Coach Real Estate Associates

Dear Walter,
I can’t thank you enough for coming to New York and making our seminar such a huge success. Our parent board was quite jealous that our three chapters were able to pull the event off with such ease and success.

People are still talking about the energy and enthusiasm. I do believe you made a difference for many of them. My office has begun working with your letters for FSBOs and expireds. Suzanne is finally pursuing a land deal with a developer and maintaining an interest in the project herself.

We were successful in keeping the entire event within budget, which will make it easier for us to get support for the next event.

Once again, thank you for everything.

John Reinhardt, Fillmore Real Estate

Dear Walter,
I want to thank you for speaking at our education day. You handled yourself beautifully with our usually difficult “Brooklyn crowd.” Our agents felt that your seminar was informative and useful and was delivered in a fun and exciting way. Thank you for the inspirational and enlightening day!

Ruth E. Stefonick, RE/MAX Group Promotions

Dear Walter,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for speaking with our RE/MAX broker/owners and associates at our recent RE/MAX sales rally at the General Cinema in Plymouth Meeting, PA.

The event was a grand success and your presentation was both informative and energizing. You certainly can captivate an audience! We have received such positive feedback from those in attendance and we know that we will be calling on you for future events.

Again, thank you Walter. It was an honor having you present.

Andrea Payen-Savely, South Carolina Association of REALTORS®

Dear Walt,
I am writing this letter to thank you, but thanking you seems so silly.

Not only did you set the stage for one of our most successful conventions, but also you energized our members. You reminded them that they can do anything!

Thank you for touching the lives of our members at this year’s annual convention. I couldn’t have pulled it off without you!

Mary Ann Monteleone, Long Island Board of REALTORS®

Dear Walter,
They say in life, “timing is everything.” That certainly was the case in this situation. You called LIBOR on Wednesday and one week later, you’re mesmerizing over 250 Long Island REALTORS®.

Thank you for providing such an informative program at our general membership meeting. You listened to what our objectives were and customized your program to meet each one. You listened to what our market conditions were, and addressed the issues Long Island REALTORS® are facing in this fast paced, hectic market. Your evaluations were excellent.

It was a pleasure working with you and your staff. We look forward to working with you again. We also appreciate the low-key pitch on products as promised.

Marlene S. Merkle, Venice Area Board of REALTORS®

Dear Walter,
It was so nice to see you again. It is a rare opportunity for a board our size to be in a position to have a nationally known speaker such as you! Those who attended were grateful they did and are singing your accolades!

I was also impressed with the number who purchased your materials. Our members are very discriminating on how they spend their money on education. You obviously hit home with them. I hope we can coordinate a district program next time you come.

Louise E. Mazerall, The New Brunswick Real Estate Association

Dear Walter,
On behalf of the New Brunswick Real Estate Association, I would like to thank you for the enthusiastic presentation you provided to our members during our annual conference. Several members commented on your high energy level and enthusiastic approach.

As I had the opportunity to slip in and hear your presentation, I observed that the audience was listening intently to every word. I received many favorable comments about your presentation throughout the remainder of the conference.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us.

C. V. LeForce, Realty World

Dear Walter,
What can I say? You were a smash hit. You are terrific! Your presentation at our spring sales rally was nothing short of “sensational.” Nothing but “kudos” from all who attended. Everyone insists we have you back very soon. We, at Realty World of Northern California and Northern Nevada always strive to bring our organization the best and we certainly feel that we succeeded in doing just that with you. Thanks 10 million!

You challenged our people with brilliantly simple and simply brilliant marketing ideas, excited them to achieve and attain higher levels of performance and entertained as well. Hundreds and hundreds of marketing techniques that allowed our audience to make copious notes and pick and choose which ones they will implement immediately and the ones they will use later on. You were an inspiration as to what can be done in this profession and done profitably and with lots of fun.

You have the unique ability to communicate in-depth subject matter material and get to the “gut” of people, causing them to stir their emotions and commit to higher and better things.

Your interaction with the audience sprinkled with so much information, humor and wit made for a joyous and informative learning session. I think the true test was you spoke Friday afternoon and your total audience was there again with you Saturday morning when right outside the door was beautiful Monterey Beach and a few minutes away was downtown Monterey, the aquarium, golf courses, and Cannery Row.

Thanks for joining us for two special days. I would recommend you to any group wanting to attain new heights of total performance. If there is any way we can help pave the way or spread the word about your talents, your message, your delivery, please let us know.

Carol Hobaugh, RE/MAX

Dear Walter,
If I keep waiting to write a nice, personal thank you, it won’t happen. You know “the perfection leads to procrastination leads to paralysis” thing. Thus, you are getting a customized copy of a group thank you for the RE/MAX Beach Cities Lake Arrowhead Retreat.

Thank you for being our speaker. As usual, I learned lots! Three of us are meeting to put some of it to immediate practice in addition to my refining my checklists.

Your stuff gets better and better. I still follow you know whom and believe prospecting in person via face to face or phone is the best. However, the reality is that most agents won’t, and there were an incredible number of alternatives in your presentation (in lieu of or in addition to the fact to face). Impressive!

I really enjoyed the opportunity to chat with you while we pigged out on that great food. I am always impressed when speakers/entertainers, etc. address their audience and build on things the participants say. That takes a special talent! It was refreshing to see you handle every person with dignity, when my first thought was to tell them to “shut up.”

I hope you and Lisa will be a part of next year’s retreat. It was definitely time well spent.


Click on one of the links below to read more about Walter has to say about the real estate market.

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