559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

"Thanks I love it! That is the punch we needed. I will change the letter in the morning. Great stuff! You are the BEST!" Jim d’Artenay, Prudential Carolina


Eating the Elephant With Time Blocking January 31st, 2020 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Without making time for the most profitable activities, I can tell you exactly what will happen — you are going to be spending time on the most urgent items which are almost never your most profitable activities. The reason why my lead generation book is so popular with top agents is because it points to the direction of the most profitable activities in real estate. One needs now to decipher how to implement these activities on a consistent basis.

Many of the activities we cover in our systems are not done consistently by many top agents in our country. For instance, you need to choose a few seller lead generation activities. Whether you choose for sale by owners, expireds, mature people in large homes, out-of-state owners, or any of the any other amazing systems that will produce seller leads, you need to find the time to make sure they are getting done on a consistent basis. By implementing the ideas, your listings will go up, increasing your buyer inquiries. Buyers, being the demanding lot that they are, will soon cause you to be jumping through hoops at all hours of the day, if you have not followed some of the ideas shared in Buyer Net Profit.

Without time-blocking, you will find that you will always be urgently busy without getting your most profitable activities done therefore your listings will fall and buyer activity will fall. The largest difference between mediocre real estate agents and top producers is that top agents always find time to keep their pipelines filled with the most profitable activities. The most profitable activities are, of course, lead generation activities. These activities are normally time-blocked by the top agent to do himself or herself or activities for the assistant to complete.

Let me give you an example – at 9am every morning, I knew that I would spend 15 minutes researching the expireds of that day. I spent more time than anyone else researching and getting better names, addresses, and phone numbers. I then spent another 15 to 30 minutes preparing letters for mailing in the firecracker tubes. I would then start calling those same prospects. On my way back from lunch, I would time-block my day to stop by one of the most expensive expireds each day. On my way home, I would try reaching those expireds who I could not reach earlier in the day. The next day after I called all the expireds, I went ahead and sent them my crumpled letter from the previous day. There was little or no negotiation with the time-blocks. The only thing that would allow me to look the other way is a listing presentation or a family emergency.

The other activities that I would like to make certain that you time-block are just as important as your seller lead generation activities, especially activities where you knew the exact number that you need to complete. Here is what I mean — if you have a 1,000 person database and there are approximately 300 working days in a year, you should be calling six people a day to get through your database with phone calls twice in a year. It would most likely be more calls in a day, because I would like for you to try calling three times before giving up and putting them back in rotation. The same goes for the letters to the database – if you are going to be sending one letter each quarter and there are 100 working days in a quarter, you will be sending approximately 10 letters a day to get all the letters to your database for that quarter.

The magic of breaking your business plan into time-blocked pieces is that it allows you to “eat the elephant” faster and more efficiently. It also allows you to write personal notes on those letters, hand-sign them, and see if any of the letters might require special handling.

Another massively important time-block is listing leads in the “A” class. This group is for people who are going to be listing in the next ninety days. You were either unsuccessful in getting them to list, or they have promised you a listing. Even though they have told you not to call back until a certain time-frame, it is your job to call them each week with something of value to weigh their motivation and readiness without letting the lead pass you by. It is important that you maintain contact on a much more regular business than the “soon to list” person tells you contact.

Another amazing time-block to maintain is the buyers in the “A” class group. These are buyers who have jumped through all the “hoops.” This means they have answered the questions, been pre-approved in writing, have showed up for a meeting at your office, and have signed a loyalty agreement. These people need to be time-blocked for once a week to determine if the properties you are sending them still meet their criteria and when they would like to go look at the best leads.

Broker-required activities is another time-blocked section. Whether it is a profitable office meeting or an office tour, just remember, the broker is paying the overhead so support the systems.

Another important time-block is calling your sellers. In tough markets, there is one truism – if they do not like you, they are less likely to drop the price for you. The easiest way to babysit upset sellers is to take your listings and divide by ten. Call that many people each day. This gives you the energy to bring about a price reduction or obtain a value enhancement. Many real estate agents wait until their clients become discouraged then go through their entire listing inventory trying to obtain price reductions or value enhancements. That process is not only an energy-zapper but it is also ineffective. Regular contacts from you will allow your sellers to feel at ease that the job is being done. You will soon find that they will not be available for appointments, because they trust your efforts so much. Efforts like this allow the inevitable price reductions in tough markets to be easier. Please time-block your listed seller communications.

Add in contact to your pendings for another time-block activity. Each week, you need to contact all parties involved in a pending – sellers, buyers, cooperative agent, affiliates, and anyone else involved. I spent Thursdays making sure that all contingencies were being met, and there were no smoldering embers that needed to be put out. Staying on top of pendings will allow you to flush out the bad transactions sooner and possibly reduce problems that might affect your closing. You will grow to dislike the pending process so much that you will try to increase the velocity of your business by shortening your pending periods. As long as they are pending, you need to call all parties involved at least once a week.

Another important time-block is making time for your LIFE! Some of these items are “floating” like your daughter’s dance recital or your son’s game, but some of these items can actually be anticipated like “date night.” I chose a weeknight as date night because babysitters are more plentiful during the week and the lines at our favorite restaurants were not so long! It was also a nice break during the week, and everyone always looks forward to date night. The same process applies for working out, lunch, breakfast, church, and other mandatory parts of your life that allow your life to go more smoothly. Having these things time-blocked will reduce any disappointment in your family and allow you the opportunity to re-make appointments with clients.

This is the perfect time to bring up an important distinction between time-blocked and non-time-blocked agent schedules. When I knew that I only had a few different hours in which to book a listing presentation, a showing appointment, or a negotiation appointment, it allowed me to funnel the cooperative agent or client into those available slots. I was able to always give them three or four hours a day from which to choose. Without a time-block, you are always moving your most important activities around urgent activities, when it is much easier to book urgent activities in the time allotted. I promise that the cooperative agents and clients you are working with will have less disciplined schedules, and you will be able to conform to your available times.

Occasionally, there will be an infrequent time-block for activities that only happen once a month or once a year. These activities would be time-blocking the first and last day of the month and the first part of the New Year for excessive expired activity. These are times when the expired activity is so heavy that you will have to free up time to take advantage of it. These items need to be time-blocked at your goal setting session early in the year. Do not forget to time-block your goal planning session, too!

The process of time-blocking is fairly simple. Time-block the activities that are important to your life. Time-block your lead generation activities. Time-block your listing leads “A,” buyer leads “A,” pendings, and listed client activities. You will soon find that you have a lot fewer hours available during the week than you realized. Of course, these time-blocks will be devoted to listing appointments, showing appointments, contract negotiations, and all of the other “emergency” activities that we are all involved in.

You will find that when your time becomes scarce that putting a “do not disturb” sign on your office door will become a much better idea! You will also find that hob-nobbing with other real estate agents or affiliates will become activities of the past (possibly). Soon you will be prioritizing your free-time among activities including family, fun, faith, friends, fitness, and personal finances. You will find that urgent items will be either eliminated or lessened.

Time-blocking is the first step to true time management and forces you to do the items that are the most profitable in your business. Soon there will be no more excuses that you are too busy to make money in this business. Congratulations!

Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.


BEGINNING OF NEW YEAR LETTER FOR LAST 12 MONTHS’ CLOSED CLIENTS January 2nd, 2020 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Just because a New Year has turned doesn’t mean that you can forget last year’s clients!  Here’s a letter you can use in keeping up with them.


City, ST  ZIP


It was a pleasure helping you to meet your goals this year.  One of the most important jobs in real estate is making sure Uncle Sam is happy.

I have included the account from your closing at (address).  The best case is that you already have this safely filed away; the worst case is it is “somewhere” in a file.  To make things easier for you, you can use this copy for your accountant.  If your accountant has any questions, please have him or her call me directly and I will be happy to help.

Points, tax pro-rations, interest pro-rations, and depreciation are all affected by numbers on this closing statement.  These will also affect your income taxes.

It is my goal to be an asset and resource to your real estate past and future.  In terms of the future, please realize that my clients are paying less in income taxes, but they have more income by getting involved in investment property.  I am personally looking for cash flow properties that show an income tax loss.  Do you want me to look for you, too?

Also, now is a good time of year to let me know what your real estate goals are for the next twenty-four months.  This market requires a substantial amount of pre-planning.

Once again, it was a pleasure working with you.


Walter Sanford
Sanford Systems

P.S.    Please go to for your special services reserved for past clients only.


Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.

REAL ESTATE IS A COOL BUSINESS December 11th, 2019 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Sometimes you get so immersed in the minutia that you miss the fact that there probably can be no better business to be in that real estate brokerage.

Here are the positives.

1. No one can fire you for very long.

2. You get paid by buyers and sellers to see and offer on the world’s greatest investment for yourself.

3. When you find properties for buyers, you are generating listing leads. When you have listings, you generate buyer leads.

4. Cooperative agents will work to sell your listing for free to you.

5. Whenever you need a raise, you just do some of my stuff.

6. You can choose who you are going to work with.

7. You can choose when you are going to work.

8. You can control millions of dollars of inventory for a very low cost.

9. You can manualize and delegate duties to people that get paid less than you.

Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.

What the top 1% do December 3rd, 2019 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

This is probably a misleading title.  It’s probably more like “What the Top 1% of the Top 10% Do,” but that was too long of a title…even for me!  For years, people have been asking me what the differences are between the top agents and the “middle of the pack” agents.  They ask because I once was a “top dog” and secondarily, I either coach, train, have been mentored by, or mentor most of the top producers in North America. 

When you talk about top producers, I’m not talking about the guy who consistently wins the top sales award at the office.  I am talking about the people who are consistently at the top of their franchises or the top of their regions.  Not only those who are just at the top regarding units sold but also those who are at the top in take-home pay. 

I believe this person would be someone who is a high achiever, has a life, has a net income, and has the numbers to back it up.  For years, I have researched the various causes for success in top agents.  The upcoming list includes items that I have personally implemented, allowing me to be at the top of my game for so many years. 

A lot of these items are common but not implemented.  This is the missing link as to why there are so few top producers in the world.  It takes dedication and devotion to consistently do what others don’t do so hopefully I can make this a little more compelling and a little more fun.  The bright light at the end of the tunnel is the fact that you can earn enough money to buy real estate at possibly the best time in our lifetime.  You’ll then be able to reap the cash flow and appreciation for future years along with a fixed, low-interest rate loan that will be paid off during your career.  Yes, you can get rich in this business!  I have done it, I’ve seen other people do it, and my coaching clients are currently doing it. 

Here’s the list to move your way to the top:

1.      I’m sure this first one is going to be a shocker – set goals.  Don’t wait for what walks in the door.  Don’t base your business upon a few good months and then take some time off or buy stuff.  Know how many listing appointments you need to make every week, and know how many buyers you need to have under contract.  Know your commission rate and know how to consistently answer the objections that get in the way of your goals.  Have a plan for each day, each week, each year, 5-years, 10-years, and beyond.  The best of the best have their day at least 2/3 time blocked knowing that it is the only way to accomplish the mandatory items to maximize real estate productivity.  One of the tricks is that you have to know what those items are!

2.      Fill your time blocked schedule with activities that actually make money in real estate.  You won’t find too many of the elite agents spending half their day in social media.  What you will find is pro-active, seller lead generation minimizing buyer participation, minimizing print advertising, maximizing their abilities to price correctly, and using the leverage that is natural to this real estate business.  Top agents know that listings generate buyers, and if buyers are shown the right inventory, this will generate listings.  As a top agent, understand that buyers and sellers generate commissions while also allowing the agent to evaluate real estate for their own purchases.  It is an amazing business.

3.      Understand what the objective of your activity.  When you’re talking with a seller on the phone, you have two objectives: get the appointment and make certain they have enough motivation to make the listing presentation worthwhile.  At the listing presentation, get the one-year listing at 7%, determine motivation, and price at the right price or have a future price reduction signed.  Top agents understand the goals at each meeting, and it difficult to get them to leave until they have tried at least a few times to achieve these objectives.

4.      The top 1% ask more questions, allowing them to get to the heart of the issue.  When a seller says they want to sell because the house is too big, you can expect a top agent to ask more questions like these:

  1. “Why is a large home a problem for you?”
  2. “I understand that there is a lot of maintenance involved with a house this size.  Did you know that you could pay someone to perform a lot of these items for you at a reasonably small price?”
  3. “Could you tell me again why a large house bothers you?” 

A top agent would keep this line of questioning going until they found out that the true reason the person is selling, which is most often that they simply couldn’t afford the property and/or they wanted to free up some equity for other activities.  Many sellers would be too embarrassed to explain this detail up front to regular agents so these agents would assume the house is too big.  How can you get a seller to look at today’s realistic prices without constantly reminding them what the finish line looks like?  Top people ask questions so that “finish line” can be determined and highlighted on a consistent basis, allowing the tough decisions to be made in this market.

5.      Understand exactly what your customers want.  Listen.  Many consider most top agents as one who is full of ego, never shutting up in a meeting.  The opposite is really true.  The agent who knows the seller the best will the agent who wins the listing presentation.  The agent who knows the buyer best is the agent who spends less time in converting them to a closed transaction.  My coaching clients grasp this concept early – get the clients to tell you about their needs.  This is the difference that will allow you to create a customized marketing plan to achieve their goals and achieve those goals faster than regular agents.  When your client’s reasoning just doesn’t make sense, ask more questions.

6.      The top people constantly are saying “I don’t understand what you mean by that.”  They say this because they want the client to keep talking about any items on which they are unclear.  The majority of agents is just happy to be talking with a buyer or a seller and is looking for the signature.  Top people need to know with clarity what they need to accomplish.  Top agents never forget that clients cost money until closing day and quality clients are required to make high incomes.

7.      Top agents prepare a presentation based upon the client’s needs.  For years, we were taught about canned listing presentations when that is about as far from reality as you can get!  As stated earlier, the agent who asks the most questions to determine a need then prepares a customized marketing plan to fulfill that need will be the “winner” at the listing presentation. 

8.      Top agents stay in touch with their customers.  Look for unique ways to constantly add value to your customer’s lives and “WOW” them.  My past clients were treated to all of my listings before they hit the market as secret properties.  They were given two phone calls a year to make certain each of their needs were met.  They were offered opportunities for their accountants to call me regarding their tax returns after a major transaction.  We followed a long list of major value points that we offered to a past client, requiring us to stay in touch with them.  The top 1% constantly builds business from their current database.

9.      Spend approximately half of your day in pro-active seller lead generation.  Understand that obtaining a listing is the most important activity in real estate.  Work hard to sell the home, prior to submitting it to the MLS but only with the seller’s blessings. 

10.    Top agents are relentless follow up artists.  One example of one of my follow-up systems is the “Listing Leads A” (LLA) category.  LLA is for a client that you weren’t able to close on a listing or who is “soon to list.”  They have one of a million excuses as to why they wouldn’t sign that night.  They might also be a seller who gave you a time in which you should call back for when they would be ready to list.  These people are always ready to list sooner than they say they expect.  If someone said they were going to list in three months, I made sure that every week I would time block my schedule to call all LLA with a piece of value such as a new listing, new sale, or a new interest rate that would affect their value.  I would give them value so they weren’t upset at me calling prior to the scheduled time they asked me to call back.  I could take advantage of any motivation that would cause them to list sooner.  Follow-up needs to be built into all of your systems.

11.    Make sure your client knows the next step.  Have a time or a date for the next meeting.  Have a checklist on what everyone needs to accomplish for the next meeting.  By preparing your client, there is clarity at the end of a meeting and everyone knows what is expected.   

12.    Top agents become experts at answering objections.  What do you say when a client states, “Well, I’m just going to rent it”?  What about the objection of “I’m taking it off the market now”? These types of objections should be handled seamlessly, succinctly, and smoothly, creating an opportunity to once again show value to the client.

13.    A top agent is always seeking to find what’s in it for their client.  Though these agents could be top in the world, top in their franchise, or top in their city, rarely will they be bragging about it because know the client just doesn’t care.  A top agent will find what’s important to the client. 

14.    Top producers can relate.  They relate their marketing plan or their sales plan to the client’s needs.  They spend so much time evaluating motivation that now they tie that motivation to the end result.  Top producers help clients relate as to how their service will achieve a client’s goals.

15.    The top 1% are amazingly flexible.  They have plans for what will happen when interest rates go up, and they have plans for what will happen when government changes the rules.  Daily, weekly, and monthly work plans are constantly evaluated to make certain they are doing what is most profitable. 

16.    Seek out the concepts that are most profitable.  It is always great to hear people talk about the things that are most profitable in real estate, but if you don’t know what they are, they are of little help.  Many trainers were not top producers themselves and are myopic in offering just one product or service.  It is very difficult to build an entire career on staging, Feng Shui, social media, or stealth websites; however, if that is the only product, that is what you are going to hear about all day.  The top producing coaches are expensive, create results, and demand that their clients are working the most profitable activities in real estate.  If you don’t like it, you ain’t gonna do it!

I hope that you have enjoyed this insight into how a top producer’s mind works. 

Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.

The Secrets Behind Referral Building by the Top Agents February 11th, 2014 | Posted in General Real Estate

Recently, Bridget McCrea of the Illinois REALTOR® Magazine asked me some questions on how to build a superstar referral system.  Below is our communication exchange, and I hope it helps you!

Question One:

Why should today’s real estate agents be thinking about improving their referral systems?  Why are referrals such a critical part of their businesses?

Answer One:

Referral and repeat clients are your least expensive buyer and seller leads.  Generating a lead from scratch takes more effort, time, and money than the “greased slide” from a happy past client, family member, co-worker, or friend.  The acquisition of good leads is the number one difference between great agents with great nets and the rest. 

Question Two:

How can an agent go about measuring the success of his or her current referral system?

Answer Two:

They can measure the success by tracing the source of their commission dollars.  Prompted by their closing checklist, each of my coaching clients writes down their net commission in a spreadsheet under a column titled “Sphere Database System.”  Whether it was a past client, sphere, or referral, the database would get the credit. 

Question Three:

What’s the first step that should be taken on this path?  What do they need to do first?

Answer Three:

Determine who should go into your database — past clients, family, friends, family of friends, friends of family, non-agent co-workers, out-of-area agents, people with whom you spend money, internet leads with whom you’ve spoken, etc.  

Next, gather their pertinent details: correct spelling of name; mailing and situs address; all phone numbers; all email addresses; preferred contact method; their haves and wants; contact history; and personal dates like birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and anniversary of purchase or sale. 

Question Four:

What other strategies/steps can an agent take to create a referral system that actually produces business and results for them?

Answer Four:

It builds on my answer to question three.  A multi-media system needs to be set up for contact, solicitation, and delivery of value:

  1. Email them every new listing before it hits the MLS as a secret listing that should be forwarded to an interested party in databased client’s lead.
  2. Old-fashioned direct mail on company stationery sent in a window envelope and a hand-signed letter with a personal note.  Only do enough every day to get 4 different letters out to the complete database, every year.  This would equal the number of working days in a quarter divided into the quantity of contacts in your database.
  3. Friend all people in database in Facebook
  4. Call enough people every day to get through your complete database twice every year.
  5. One fancy, expensive, impressive, and fun event a year where everyone in the database is invited.


Question Five:

Where do agents typically go wrong in this area?  What do they need to be doing better and how can they improve?

Answer Five:

Again, referring to an earlier answer, only people that know who you are should be in your database; otherwise, you are wasting resources.  Beside adding “bulk” leads instead of quality leads to the database, agents just don’t do the above activities or do them sporadically.  

These activities must be time-blocked – a time-block every day for the calls and for the letters.  It is just a few calls and letters every day.  This is much better than waiting until June to call your entire database plus you just won’t do it that way! 

Agents need to stop sending material that says they are “the best.”  Send value like information on self-directed IRA’s, invitations to sign up for listing comp services on your IDX, and other unique value propositions. 

Question Six:

After following your advice, what benefits can an agent expect?  What returns will they see if they take these steps?

Answer Six:

My clients find that their referral/repeat client division is their largest income producing system.  Per lead, it is their least expensive system. 

If an agent would like a helping hand in setting up their own repeat client and referral generating systems, our coaching program can do just that!  These are two (out of over fifty systems) that we get up and running in your first year of coaching!


Walter Sanford has been designing and implementing real estate systems for 30 years.  One of the most successful REALTORS® and now wealthy from his systems, Sanford teaches his systems and strategies through his products, seminars, and personal coaching producing the best results in the industry.  Do what works, do what is proven.  Hire Walter Sanford.  Call our office at 800.792.5837, email, or chat with us online at



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